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i So lilresi'aHS ftnvittg bow
aged, and knowing t he Time af his Departure was at htn #
sailed for the Elders of the Church of Efbe/us, and leaves
wich them many excellen: and weighty Exhortations.
'3. Aft thine Obedience,by reftgning up thyfelfto the Will'
of God to he at his Difpofe.either for Life or Death ;as thou,
muft not be unwilling to die when God calleth thee, fo nei¬
ther mn ft thou be over eager to die before he call theej thou
jnay'il not dp fire Death out of Difconrentment ofMind, be-
caufe offome prefe'nt Mileries and Affliflions which ly upon
thee ; nay, thou may’ll not abfoluteiy vvifli to die, out of
a deure to be rid of thy fins, and to be with Chrift, but it
muftbevvitha Submifilon to the Will of God, if he fee it
fit, meet, and convenient for thee Tho’ P*»f knew it were
far better for him to die than to live, yet did he not defire
Death abfoluteiy,but with Submitfion to the Will of God.
VII. Be frequent in reading the Holy Scriptures, orcaufc
them to be frequently read unto thee ; for there thou IhalC
find, 1. The Example of God’s Mercy (hewed to the af-
fli&ed. z. Inftruftions how to hear and improve thy pre-
fent Vifitation. 3. Comfortable Promifes of Support under
the foreft Trials- And know for certain, that one Promife
in the Book of God, will be more effeQual to yield thee
Comfort on a Death-bed, than all the Counfel of rhyFriend*
that ihall be then about thee.
VIII. Be often lifting up thine Heart toGed in Prayer:
And when through Weaknefs of Body and Faintnefs of Spi¬
rit, thou art not able to lift up thy Soul in any fet and fo-
lemn Prayer, fend up feme (hort ejaculatory Prayers unto
Cod as that ofthe poor Publican, Lord be merciful to me
a Sinner, hul^e it. 13. Lord, I believe, help my Unbelief,
9. 24. And that of the Apoftle, Lord increafe my
Sftith, hu\. 17. 5. And that of Stephen, Lord Jefus, re¬
ceive my Spirit: Thofe Ejaculations going from the Heart,
they are acceptable and,plftiafing unto God Let us there*,
fore as ftin advifeth us, endeavour to die praying, qy a
frequent breathing forth of chofe, or fuch like ejaculatory
Prayers. , . ,
IX. Be Often refigning up thy Soul into the Hinds of wOd,
faying alfo with our blelled Saviour, Father, i»to thy
Hinds I commend my Spirit. Little Children, for the moll
Part, defire to die in the Father’s Bofom, or upon their
Mother’s Lap, even fo Ihouldeft thou in the Hour ot Death,
call thy Soul into the Hands of thy h: WDiy Father, end
ceft lathe Bofom of Jefuj Chrift.