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5^5 liirefthns fir t'e wjrtby recavint
â– Wicliout th: out ward Pfjits of A neadmenc,i* bat%
n\cre Fo:I/, whereby we dec nve ourfeives. For
it cannot be, that Reformation fliould be truly,
rboted and grounded in the Heartjbut that it will
bad forth, and Ihew itfelfin the Fruits of a godly
Ufe.Tnat' Maatherefbre deceiveth himfelf, who
thinkshis Heart is purge! and reformed, when his >
Lifaispolluted. For as theFruits declare the Tree
fa'the Asfiions of Men manifeft their Affetflions.
H. T'k Nscsfji y of this Grace of Repent an e in l
every worthy Communicant upon his approaching to i
the Lard't Table appearoth, becsufe we come t«
receive a Sacrihcq for fin ; but to off:r to re-.eivi 1
a Sac ific;.for/in, without a.turning from fin,
is to count the Blood of the Covenant an unholy
TAing. We arc not ignorant, that one main End
of our approachmg.the Lord’s Tablets to receive]
Chrift as he hathoffired hixn'elf a Sacrifice andl
Price of Redemption for our fins . Now he that
looketh for Pardon of fig, mud have a full Pur--
p »fe, aid according to his Purpofe, a faithful
and jrefplate En lejvoar, to forfake fin, which is
and will be the Mind of every true Penitent, and I
faalfo it ought to be. The Lord therefore requir-»
eth ofthsm who bring their Sacrifice to him foffj
Pardon, tbit they ta\e areay the Evil of their Wor\s-,l
ani dr Evil, ahl learn to do well, ICai. I.
j6. (9’c. And thereupon inferreth this gracious:.
Invitation, Verfe 13. Come now, let us reafcn to
gother. With what Force then dares an imprnitent-
Sianer, that is not touched with anv Remorfefor
bis Sins pa d, nor hath any Purpofe to turn from
his Sins for the Time to com?, off ;r to take that
Poiy which was broken, and that Blood which(
was fh:d for fin : Such an eating and drinking of