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the ~Lcrdcs Suffer. 145
o 5:e corrpriftd: Many do add hereunto an in-
rard Sorrowing and Mourning of the Heart,
rhich indeed doth always accompany true Re-
ientance,but it is not of the Nature thereof. For
hen vherefoeverSorrow for fin were,ihere{hould
* trueRepentance,which isnotfo; a»the Fxasrple
{Soul, yudas,ind other wicked Men do declare.
Briefly to open this Dt finition of Repentance.
Firjt, I fay. It it* Grae of God11 Spirit; that
, a Gift freely given of God, and wrought in
s by his holy Spirit. So that it prcceedcth not
rom Man’s Free will,nor from any Power and A-
ility of this Nature. .Again, Repentance is a Re-
Drmation,wherein confifls the very Naturethere-
b the Words of Turning, Renewing, Chang-
ig,3rtd the like, which in Scripture are attribut-
d to Repentance do imply. Now this Refor-
aation mufl firfl be of the Heart 5 for the Heart
f a Man is the Fountain of all his Aliens. Now
Keafonj the Fountain nruft feecleanfed end pur-
ed, before that which ifTueth and fticameth from
can be wholcfom. There muft be therefore fit ft
renewed Heart, before there can be a reformed
,ife: For it cannot be, that the Stream of out A-
hons flbould fee good,iftheFountain of our Heart
r corrupt. Hence it isthat the Frcphets fo often
11 for the clearifingof the Heart,and the^.poftles
.r the renewing and changing thereof, without
hieh all external and outwavd ReformationSis
at mere Pharifaical Oflertation. In the lafl Place
added, a Reformation of the Life and Actions
xithouti Forjs to make feme outward fhew of
eformation,without reforming the Heart Within,
but PharifaicalOflentationjWhereby we deceive
hers: So to pretend an inward Reformation,
[ L*M without