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when pulling out my bottle, I made the poor wretch
drink a dram ; which, with the joyful news he had
received, fo reyived his heart, that he fat up in the
boat. As foon as Friday began to hear him fpeak,
and looked more fully in his face, it would have mo¬
ved any one to tears to perceive his uncommon tranf-
ports of joy ; for he kifled him, embraced him, hug¬
ged him, cried, laughed, hallooed, jumped about,
danced, fung, then cried again, wrung his hands, beat
his face and head, then lung and jumped about again,
like a diffracted creature ; lo that it wasa great while
before I could make him fpeak to me, or tell me what
was the matter with him ; but when he came to the
liberty of his fpeech, at laft he told me, it was his
Here indeed I was infinitely moved to fee the duti¬
ful and tender affection this poorfavagehadtohisaged
parent. He would fit down by him in the boat, open
his breaft, and held his father’s head clofe to his bol'om
half an hour together to nourifh it; then he took
his arms and ankles, which were ftiff and numbed
with binding, and chafed and rubbed them with his
hands ; by which means, perceiving what the calc
was, I gave him fome rum, which proved of great
benefit to him.
While we were bufy in this action, the favages had
gotten almoft out of fight, and happy it was we did
not purfue them-, for there arofie from the north-weft,
which continued all night long, fuch a violent ttorm,
that I could not fuppole otherwife but that they were
all drowned. After this I called Friday to me, and
afked him if he had given his father any bread ? He
fhook his head, and laid, None, not one bit, me eat a up
all i fo I gave him a cake of bread out of a little,
pouchlcarried for this end. Ilikewifegavehimadram
for himfelf, and two or three bunches of railins for
his father. Both thofe he carried to him, for he would
make him drink the dram to comfort him. Away he
then runs out the of boat as if he was bewitched, with