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fuch an extraordinary fwiftnefs, that he was out of
tight as it were in an inftant; but at his return I per¬
ceived him flacken his pace, becaufe he had fome-
tliing in his hand: And this I found to be, as he ap¬
proached nearer, an earthen jug with fome water to
his father, and two more cakes of bread, which
he delivered into my hands. Being very thirfty my-
felf, I drank fome of the water, of which, when his
father had drank fufficiently, it more revived his
fpirits than all the rum I had given him.
I then called Friday to me, and ordered him to
carry the Spaniard one of the cakes and fome water,
who was repofing himfelf upon a green place under
the ihade of a tree, but fo weak, that though he
exerted himfelf, he could not Band upon his feet.
Upon which I ordered Friday to rub and bathe his
ankles with rum as he did his father’s. But every
minute he was employed in this, he would caft a wilh-
ful eve towards the boat where he left his father
fitting ; who fuddenly difappearing, he flew like
lightning to him ; and finding he only laid himfelf
down to eafe his limbs, he returned back to me pre-
fently ; and then I fpoke to the Spaniard to let Fri¬
day help him, and lead him to the boat, in ordfr to
be conveyed to my dwelling, where I would take care
of him : Upon which Friday made nothing to take
him upon his back, and fo carried him to the canoe.
Jetting him clofe by his father; and prefently ftepping
out again, launched the boat off, and paddled it along
the iliore falter than I could walk, though the wind
blew very hafd too ; and having brought them fate to
the creek, away he runs to fetch the other canoe,
which he brought to the creek almoft as loon as I got
to it by land; when wafting me over, he took our new
guefts out of the boat. But fo tveak were they, that
I was forced to make a kind of hand-barrow ; and
when I came to my caftle, not being willing to make
an entrance into my wall, we made .them a band-
lome tent, covered with old fails and boughs of trees,