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being faint, the Indian had thrown him upon the
ground, and was wrefting my fword out of his hand,
which the Spaniard very wifely quitting drew out his
piftol, and (hot him threw the body, before I could
comenearhim, tho’ Iwas runningto his afliftance. As
to Friday, he purfued the flying wretches with his
hatchet, difpatching three; but the reft weretoo nim¬
ble for him. The Spaniard taking one of the fowling-
pieces, wounded two, who running into the wood,
Friday purfued and killed one; but the other, not-
withftanding his wounds, plunged himfelf into the
fea and fwam to thofe two who were left in the ca¬
noe, which, with one wounded, were all that efcaped
out of one and twenty. The account is as follows:
Killed at the JirJl Jl:ot 1
from the tree , 5 ^
At the fecond foot 2
jBy Friday in the boat 2
Ditto, of thofe firji 1 ^
•wounded J
Ditto, in the •wood I
By the Spaniard 3
The favages in the canoe worked very hard to get
out of our reach, and Friday was as eager in purfuing
them ; and indeed I was no lefs anxious about their
efcape, left, after the news had been carried to their
people, they Ihould return in multitudes, and deftroy
us. So being refolved topurfue them, I jumped into
one of their canoes, and bid Friday to follow me; but
no fooner was I in, when to my furprife I found
another poor creature, bound hand and foot for the
flaughter, iuft as the Spaniard had been, with very
little life in him. Immediately I unbound him, and
would have helped him up, but he could neither ftand
nor ipeak, but groaned piteoufly, thinking he was on¬
ly unbound in order to be (lain. Hereupon I bid Fri¬
day fpeak to him, and tell him of his deliverance ;
Killed, or died of
their wounds
Efcaped in the boat,"
whereof one wound- (
ed, if not fain
Total 21