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any good, bow can God require us to do it ? Anf-
wered - ■ - 176
Objetf. (2- Why do you then call us to believe, re
pent, and ufe the means ? Anfwered - 177
Ooject 3 ) The ufe of means needlefs, feeing we
are utterly unable to help ourfelves out of the (fate
of fin and wrath : Anfwered - - 179
fueft- Has God pronfifed to convert and fave them,
who, in the ufe of means, do what they can, towards
their own relief ? Anfwered - - ifo
The conclufion of this head - - i8z
III, The State of Grace or Begun Recovery.
Head I. Regeneration,
Difcourfed from i Pet. i. 23. Page. 1-83
OF the nature of regeneration - - ' 184
Partial changes miftaken for this change ib.
1 The change made in regeneration, what it is 187
In general and particular - 188, 190
The mind illuminated, and the will renewed ib. 194
Cured of its utter inability to good - ib.
I Endued with a fixed averlion to evil - 195
— a bent and propenfity to good ib.
Reconciled to the covenant of peace - 197
Dlfpofed to receive Jefus Chrifl - ib.
t The afft&ions are changed - - 198
I Redlified and regulated - 199
[ The confcience renewed - - - 201
The memory bettered by regenerating grace 202
The body changed, in refpeft of ufe - 203
The whole converfation changed - 204
X The refemblance betwixt natural and fpiritual genera¬
tion, in nine particulars ^ - 2C-7
Trial of one’s (late, whether born again, or not 211
Some cafes of doubting ChriIlians refolved 215
Cafe (t.) The precile time and way of one’s conver-
fion not known „ - - ib.
Cafe (2.) Sin prevailing - - 216
Cafe (3-1 Corruptions more violent than formerly 217
Cafe (4 ) Affeflions to the creature ftronger than to
till Creator Glowing affedlions to God gone 218
Cafe ,5.) Attainments of hypocrites and apoftates,
a terror • - - 220