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Cafe ) Falling ftiort of the faints mentioned in
Scripture, am} of others - . Page 222
Cafe ( 7. j No child of God fo tempted - ib.
Cafe laft. Strange and unufual afflictions 224
The neceffity of regeneration - - 225
To qualify one to do good - - ib.
To communion with God in duties - 228
To make one meet for heaven - 229
To one’s being admitted into heaven, -• 2}t ’
Advices to the unregenerate - - 2^4
Head II The Myftical Union betwixt Chr 'jl and'Believsn,
Difccurfed from John xv 5. - Page 255
4 General view of the Myftical Union 237
The natural ftock of all men, Adam 240
Originally a choice vine - - 242
Now a degenerate ftock - - ib.
Fruits growingon thebranches ofthe nature oftheftock,24 3
A dead ftock - - 245
The conditioniof the branches in that refpeft ib.
A killing ftock - • 247
The condition of thebranchesin thatrefpeCl ib.
The fnpernatural ftock, into which the branches are in¬
grafted, Jefus Chrift, - - 249
The branches takenout of the natural ftock and graft¬
ed into the fupernatural ftqck, the cleft 250
How cut off from the natural ftock, in 12 particulars 252
How ingrafted into Chrift - - 254
Chrift apprehends the finner by his Spirit, ib.
Thefinner apprehends Chiift by faith 265
Howone may know one’s felf to be apprehended ofChrift, 268
The benefits flowing to believers from union with Chrift 270
Juftification, ib. Peace with God, and peace of con¬
fidence, 274. Adoption, 278. Sandlification, 279.
Growth in Grace, - - 284
Queft. If all true Chriftians be growing ones,
what fflall be fiaid of thefe ■who, inftead of
growing, are going backward ? Anfiwered ib. j
Queft Do hypocrites grow at all ? And if fio,
how ftiall we diftinguifii betwixt their
growth, and the growth of the Chriftian i
Anfwered - - • 286 ,