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H;id II. The Mifery of Marls Natural State,
)ti'courfed from Eph ii 3. * • '32
/ff- -iN S natural ftate, a rtate of wrath - 135
IV L What this ftate of wrath is - 137
Wrath in the heart of God againft the natural man ih.
Wrath in the word of God againld him * 13^
Wrath in the hand of God againft him - 1 39
On his body arid foul - - 'k*
On his enjoyments - - - J41
He is under the power of Satan - - jh.
Hath no fecurity for a moment’s fafety - ih-
Wrath againft him at death, and at the gineral judge¬
ment • - - * 142
The qualities of that wrath • • *4+
The d< (ftrine of the ftate of wrath confirmed and vin-
dicated - * * 14^
SevTeral inftrudlions from it * - •f1.
Alarm to the unregenerate - ■ l_53
They are under the covenant of works - ib.
ft'heir mifery in that refpedf - J54
They are without God * * J5 7
Their mifery in that refpeifl - * *b.
Inftances of the wrath of God - - 158
A view of the nature of God, whofe wrath it is 160
EIow to flee from wrath - •
A few words to the faints, and a word to all i6j, 165
Head III. Mai's utter inability to recover himfclf
Difcourfed from Rom. v 6 John vi 44. ^165
ONLY two ways of man’s recovering himfelf
luppofable, viz. the way of the law, and the
way of the gofpel - *
Man unable to recover himfelf, in the way of the law 167
He cannot keep the commands perfedlly * ih*
The perfeiftion of law obedience, fourfold 168
He cannot fatisfy the juftice of God for his tin ^ 1 70
Objecft. God is merciful: we hope to be faved, it we
do as well as we can, Anfwered * 17t
Man unable to recover himfelf in the way of the gof¬
pel, to embrace and ufe the help offered for his
recovery - * *
Proven by feveral arguments - *7°
Objca. ;i.J If we be under an utter inability to do