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A stigb, inside. a steach, into.
A muigh, outside. a mach, out.
A bhos (or bhos), on this side.
A bh&n, downwards, an &ird, upwards.
Thall 's a bhos flyiterally, on that side
An sud s an soj \and on this.
An so, an sin, an sud ; here, there, yonder.
An ear, 'I gas/. tuath, north.
An iar, J west. deas, south.
N.B.—In colloquial speech there is a strong tendency to drop the
a ” before many of those adverbs.
Adverbs of Manner, Etc.
Mar so, mar sin, mar sud, like this, like that, like yon.
Gu leir, altogether.
Gu dearbh, truly.
Gu cinnteach, certainly.
Air eiginn, scarcely, with
air leth, apart, separately.
gu leor, enough.
le cheile, together.
car air char, rolling ;
tumbling [turn on turn).
N.B.—In the lessons on the Adverbs a fine opportunity presents
itself for useful conversational exercises—especially with young
classes, where some of the pupils could go through the various
actions of ; a null, a nail, a mach, a steach, etc.—the others describ¬
ing each action as performed.
Tha thusa daonnan anns an eaglais. Tha, ach chan
eil mi fhathast math gu leor. Is minig a bha mise air
a' mhuir, agus gu dearbh cha robh mi sona. Bha Iain
air a’ mhuir an raoir, ach *thig e an diugh. Thainig e
cheana ; chunnaic mise e an drasda. Cha robh mise riamh
ann am bata. Bha mise ann am bata an de agus bithidh
mi ann am bata eile am maireach. Cait a bheil am bata ?
Tha i shlos aig a' chladach. Co leis am bata ? Tha i
* He will come.