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to invest and deal with the monies of the company not immediately required in
such manner as may from time to time be determined and to hold or otherwise
deal with any investments made.
to lend and advance money or give credit on any terms and with or without
security to any person, firm or company, to enter into guarantees, contracts of
indemnity and suretyships of all kinds, to receive money of deposit on loan upon
any terms, and to secure or guarantee in any manner and upon any terms the
payment of any sum of money or the performance of any obligation by any person,
firm or company.
to borrow and raise money in any manner and to secure the payment of any
money borrowed, raised or owing by mortgage, charge, standard security, lien or
other security upon the whole or any part of the company's property or assets
(whether present or future) and also by a similar mortgage, charge, standard
security, lien or security to secure and guarantee the performance by the company
of any obligation or liability it may undertake or which may become binding on it.
to draw, make, accept, endorse, discount, negotiate, execute and issue cheques,
bills of exchange or promissory notes, bills of lading, warrants, debentures and
other negotiable or transferable instruments.
to apply for, promote and obtain any private Act of Parliament, order or licence of
the Department of Trade or other authority for enabling the company to carry any
of its objects into effect or for effecting any modification of the company's
constitution or for any other purpose which may seem calculated directly or
indirectly to promote the company's interests and to oppose any proceedings or
applications which may seem calculated directly or indirectly to prejudice the
company's interests.
to enter into any arrangements with any Government or authority that may seem
conducive to the attainment of the company's objects or any of them and to obtain
from any such Government or authority any charters, decrees, rights, privileges or
concessions which the company may think desirable and to carry out, exercise
and comply with any such charters, decrees, rights, privileges and concessions.
to subscribe for, take, purchase or otherwise acquire, hold, sell, deal with and
dispose of, place and underwrite shares, stocks, debentures, debenture stocks,
bond, obligations or securities issued or guaranteed by any other company
constituted or carrying on business in any part of the world and debentures,
debenture stocks, bonds, obligations or securities issued or guaranteed by any
Government or authority, municipal, local or otherwise in any part of the world.
to control, manage, finance, subsidise, co-ordinate or otherwise assist any
company or companies in which the company has a direct or indirect financial
interest, to provide secretarial, technical, commercial and other services and
facilities of all kinds for any such company or companies and to make payments
by way of subvention or otherwise and any other arrangements which may seem
desirable with respect to any business or operations of or generally with respect to
any such company or companies.
to promote any other company for the purpose of acquiring the whole or any part
of the property, undertaking or any of the liabilities of the company or of
undertaking any operations which may appear likely to assist or benefit the
company or to enhance the value of any property of the company and to place or
guarantee the placing of, underwrite, subscribe for or otherwise acquire all or any
part of the shares or securities of any such company as aforesaid;
Macleod & MacCallum
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