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Model approved by Charities Branch, Inland Revenue, 30.09.03 ref CR56456 (Model Doc) /TCDW)
Company Limited by Guarantee and not having a Share Capital
Section A
1. The company's name is “An Comunn Gaidhealach”.
2. The company's registered office is to be situated in Scotland.
3. This clause shall be interpreted as if it incorporated an over-riding qualification to the effect that in
any case which an activity permitted under this clause is in its nature capable of being carried on
for purposes which are not charitable or only partially so as well as for purposes which are wholly
charitable, (the word "charitable" having the meaning ascribed to it for the purposes of the
Charities and Trustee Investment (Scotland) Act 2005, including any statutory amendment or re¬
enactment for the time being in force (which meaning shall be assigned to the word "charitable"
wherever it appears in these articles of association) the power of the company under this clause
in respect of the carrying on of such activity shall be deemed to be limited to the carrying on of
such activity in such manner as will not prejudice the charitable status of the company under the
statutory provisions referred to above.
Subject to that over-riding qualification, the company's objects are:-
1. For the benefit of the public to support and develop all aspects of the Gaelic language,
culture, history and heritage at local, national and international levels by:-
(a) promoting the use of the language in everyday community life;
(b) promoting the study and development of Gaelic language, literature, music, drama
and all other related art forms;
(c) actively seeking official recognition and use of Gaelic as a living language and
national asset by local, national and European governments and other agencies;
(d) co-operating with all other organisations engaged in the promotion of Gaelic
language and culture.
(e) organising an annual National Mod as well as annual Provincial Mods in various
parts of the country.
In furtherance of the above objects but not otherwise the company shall have power:-
2 (a) to purchase or by any other means acquire and take options over any property
whatever and any rights or privileges of any kind over or in respect of any
(b) to improve, manage, construct, repair, develop, exchange, let on lease or
otherwise, mortgage, charge, sell, dispose of, turn to account, grant licenses,
options, rights and privileges in respect of, or other wise deal with all or any part of
the property rights of the company.
Macleod & MacCallum
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