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was room for recruiting much support from the
Gaels in Canada. Even where Gaelic seemed to
have disappeared, important traces lingered.
Citing the illustration of a certain bay in Nova
Scotia where the sea tides penetrate far inland,
leaving the tang of the sea far from the sea-
coast, Mr. Macdonald expressed his conviction
that Gaelic still could be revived where it no
longer seemed to be, and he went on to quote:—
Say not the struggle nought availeth,
The labour and the wounds are vain,
The enemy faints not nor faileth,
And as things have been they remain .
If hopes were dupes, fears may be liars ;
It may be in yon smoke concealed
Your comrades chase e’en now the fliers,
And, but for you, possess the field.
For while the tired waves, vainly breaking,
Seem here no painful inch to gain,
Far back, through creeks and inlets making.
Comes silent, flooding in, the main.
And not by eastern windows only,
When daylight comes, comes in the light;
In front the sun climbs slow, how slowly,
But westward, look, the land is bright!
We salute the memory of a great and humble
man, one of the finest types of his race.
NaidBioacIid \a h-Airde TuatBi
ON 28th April, I was at Swordale, and met
the students on arrival at Evanton for
the School for Leaders of Comunn na
h-Oigridh. On the following day I took a
party to assist at a Concert at Grantown-on-
Spey in aid of the Badenoch-Strathspey Pro¬
vincial Mod Funds.
On Saturday I returned to Swordale and
assisted generally. The Ceilidh held in the
evening was very successful, with Mr. Hume
D. Robertson and Mr. Alasdair Fraser as guest
artistes, from Beauly and Conon Bridge respec¬
tively. The School closed on the 13th.
On Tuesday, 15th April, I took two artistes
to the monthly meeting of the Tain Branch.
We had a good attendance and I had the
pleasure of attending the Annual General
Meeting of the Branch before the Ceilidh
Because of the increase in entries at the Wester
Ross Provincial Mod to be held at Ullapool, it
was necessary to get two additional adjudicators.
The entries exceed the 300 mark.
The new Organiser for the Northern Area
commenced duties on 20th April, and, at the
request of An Comunn, I am standing by Mr.
Maclean for a month or so until he becomes
acquainted with his multifarious duties.
We both attended the Badenoch-Strathspey
Provincial Mod held at Grantown-on-Spey
on 30th April, and we were also together at
the Wester Ross Provincial Mod at Ullapool
on 14th May. We welcome Mr. MacLean as the
Northern Organiser and hope that he will find the
work congenial and worthwhile. He comes to
Inverness with a good record and in the course
of his duties throughout the Garbh-chriochan
he will find ample opportunities for his talents.
D. McP.
NaicflBioacBid IIBbm lHicka»
The Dunoon Branch held its annual concert
in the local Burgh Hall on 23rd April. Mr.
Neil Shaw, who was introduced by Mr.
MacGeachy, President, occupied the Chair,
and in his opening remarks made feeling
reference to the passing of Mr. Donald Buie who
had been associated with the Branch since its
formation in 1908. He was a member of the
first Committee and for a long period acted as
Secretary. He also conducted a Gaelic Reading
Class with much success. His death, which
took place in November last, was a distinct
loss to the Branch and to the cause of Gaelic in
There was a good attendance at the Concert,
and the Gaelic artistes were Miss Aunice Gillies
and Mr. Iain R. Douglas, who ably deputised
for Mr. Donald MacVicar who was indisposed.
Mr. T. G. Henderson, Director of Education
for the County, moved a comprehensive vote
of thanks at the close. A dance followed. Mr.
and Mrs. Shaw were the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Neil MacLean during their visit.
What is becoming an annual event of pleasant
and artistic entertainment in the life of the
Gaelic community in Ayr is the Concert given
by the Ayr Junior Gaelic Choir. Under the
able conductorship of Mr. Donald Maclsaac,
the Choir has already gained honours at the local
Musical Festival, and many readers will recall
the splendid appearance they made at the
Glasgow Local Mod last year. The Concert
was held in the Civic Theatre, an eminently
suitable place for such a gathering.
The Choir sustained the major part of the
programme with choral items in Gaelic and
Scots songs and solos by members. The guest
artistes were Miss Aunice Gillies and Mr. John
Hynds. The Choir is booked for the Perth
Mod, and Mr. Neil Shaw, who presided,
complimented the members and Conductor on
their achievements and wished them a happy
[Continued on p. 45)