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and his unerring good taste were always con¬
spicuous, and it may be added as a tribute
to his kindly and chivalrous nature that one
cannot recall a sentence of his conceived in
malice or written with deliberate intent to
wound. He was essentially generous,
tolerant, high-minded, and honourable.
It was not as a writer of Gaelic only that
our friend excelled; he was equally skilful
and happy when expressing himself in
English. His English contributions to the
magazine were marked by grace and virility,
teacher of long experience, he knew exactly
what was required, and he devoted himself
unsparingly to the preparation of a series of
readers whieh would be worthy of a place
alongside the best of their kind in English.
A highly competent judge bears testimony
on another page of this magazine to the
success o£ his labours in this connection.
Mr. Macphie served more than
one term of office as Vice-
President. His knowledge of music
combined with his intimate acquaintance
The Late Mr. Donald Macphie, F.E.I.S.
and, like his Gaelic writings, were enriched by
apt allusions drawn from his wide acquaint¬
ance with the best authors in these and other
languages. He was a man of scholarly
tastes, a life-long student, with a mind
richly stored with the fruits of reading and
reflection. His gifts and attainments were
placed freely at the service of the Gaelic
cause, and their withdrawal will be felt as a
distinct loss for many a day to come.
Mr. Macphie, as is known to our readers,
was acting Editor, with Professor Watson as
consulting Editor, of the series of Gaelic
school books which are being issued by
Messrs. Blackie. Himself a highly successful
with the literature of Gaelic in prose and
poetry enabled him to render unusually
valuable service in the Mod and Music and
other Committees of An Comunn. His
judgment and taste could always be relied
on, and much weight was deservedly
attached to his views. His associates in the work
of An Comunn will hold his memory in grateful
recollection for his amiable personal
qualities and sterling moral worth as well
as for his distinguished record of faithful and
efficient work.
M. M.