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caraid dlleas ague at co-oibriche dealasach
ann an cuis na G&idhlig.—Bho Bhuill a’
Chomuinn Ghaidhealaich. ”
Cha do smuainich mi air aig an am ack
b’ann air Badan Fraoick a sgrlobk e fkein
aon de na k-earrannan a b’fkearr a sgriobk
e riamk.
Bka moran ckairdean aig Domknull
Mac-a-Pki anns a’ Ckomunn aig an robk
meas air fkein mar dkuine treibkdkireack
agus mar ckaraid earbsack agus, mar an
ceudna, airson nan oibrickean a rinn e cko
coimkkonta. Bu duine blatk-ckridkeack,
gradkack e; duine fogkluimte ann am moran
ck&nainean, fiosrack ann an eackdraidk agus
ann an litreackas.
A bk&rr air gack subkailc a dk’fkaodar
ainmeackadk bka a speis do’n eilean anns an
do rugadk e. Bu taitneack leis tackairt air
neack a mkuinntir an Eilean Sgitkeanaick
oir bka fuil uasal a’ Gk&idkeil a’ ruitk gu
reidk ’na ckuislibk. Bka, mar gum b’eadk,
gaoir tarruing na mara ri cladaickean Rbaig
a gknatk ’na ckluasan agus boltrack
ciibkraidk fraock is blatkan Eilean a gkraidk
’na ckuinneinibk.
Re da bkliadkna dkeug bka Mgr. Mac-an-
Pkl ’na fkear-deasackaidk air an leabkran so
agus sgrlobk e moran earrannan de rogka
rosg, gu k-kraidk an dm a’ ckogaidk. Cko
fada ’sa bkios leabkar-lann no aite tasgaidk
leabkraickean ’nar riogkackd bidk cuimkne
air Domknull Mac-a-Pkl. Tka a dkileab do
na linntean a tkig anns na Leabkrain Sgoile
ged, mo ckreack, nack fkaca e fein criock air
an t-aon mu dkeireadk dkiubk.
Tka sinn ’ga ionndrain airson na k-oibre
a bha e a’ deanamh agus tha sinn gu k-araidh
’ga ionndrain airson luack a ckbmkraidk
agus a dkllseackd mar cko- Gkkidkeal.
“Dk’iadk ceo nan stkc mu eudann Ckuilinn,
Is skeinn ’bkean-skitk a tbrman mulaid,
Gorm skuilean ciiiin ’san Dim a’ sileadk
O’n tkriall tku uainn’s nack till tku tuille. ”
An Comunn Gaidkealack mourns tke loss
of Mr. Donald Macpkie witk sincere sorrow.
His was a personality of singular attractive¬
ness and ckarm. He kad a very warm
comer in tke keart of every one wko came
under tke influence of kis friendskip. Wko
can ever forget kis unfailing good kumour,
kis brigkt companionskip, kis ckeerful dis¬
position, kis genial wit, yet beneatk all kis
tender earnestness ? Frank and straigkt in
utterance, kindly and sympatketic in tone,
ke was often kelpful and stimulating in
counsel and conference. In tke life, work,
and activities of An Comunn ke took a warm
and deep interest. For many years ke was
one of its ckief pillars. In most of its Com¬
mittees ke served witk unremitting attention
and diligence, muck to tkeir benefit.
Others are more competent to write of tke
important and valuable service rendered by
kim, in conjunction witk Dr. Watson, in
connection witk tke production of Gaelic
reading books for schools, and tke capable
manner in which ke executed the difficult
task of editing An Deb-Greine. Some of kis
Gaelic articles might well find a place in a
book of Gaelic essays by Gaelic writers. His
reviews (in English) of books, etc., were
specially neat and crisp. Take him all in all,
ke was one of our finest-hearted Gaels,
esteemed and beloved by not a few—a Gael
wko rendered important service to tke Gaekc
cause in Scotland, and whose name and
memory will long be preserved in tke hearts
of all ardent, intelligent, and sincere toilers
in tke work of An Comunn Gaidkealack.
George \7. Mackay, President.
It was witk a sensation of sincere sorrow
that the members of An Comunn
Gaidkealack learned of the unexpected death
of their muck esteemed fellow-member, tke
Editor of this magazine, Mr. Donald
Macpkie. Mr. Macphie’s health had been
unsatisfactory for tke last year or two, and
he endured muck pain and discomfort, but
kis brave spirit refused to be subdued, and
he continued to tke end to make a gallant
fight against suffering and growing weak¬
ness. Though his condition kad been giving
anxiety to his friends, the nearness of the
end was not suspected, and kis death on the
16th of August came upon them with a
shock of surprise.
Mr. Macphie was for many years an active
and useful member of An Comunn and its
Executive Council, and since tke death of
Mr. Duncan Reid, twelve years ago, edited
its magazine. This work was thoroughly
congenial to kim, and he performed it
whole-heartedly. He wrote well in both
Gaelic and English, and, until recent
months, there was rarely an issue of the
magazine which did not contain more than
one contribution from his competent and
facile pen. The Gaelic article which has
the place of honour month by month came
invariably from his own hand, and some of
these articles, it is generally admitted, in
respect of their felicity of thought and
diction, will bear favourable comparison with
anything in contemporary Gaelic writing.
Mr. Macpkie had at his command an
extensive vocabulary, sinewy, flexible, and
richly idiomatic. His keen sense of kumour