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movement forced many politicians to re-think
their policies on the language.
The report of the commission contained 288
majority recommendations dealing with the
place of Gaelic in the Public Service, the
Gaeltacht, the Education System, Cultural
aiifd Entertainment bodies and in Public Insti¬
The government’s white paper notes each
recommendation of the commission. The
official attitude to each recommendation is
declared beneath it.
The state’s attitude towards the language is
stated in detail in the Introduction. This
section of the white paper has met with general
approval. Some extracts from this sect.on are
as follows:—“The national aim is to restore
tho Irish language as a general medium of
communication”—“The responsibility (for
this aim) cannot be discharged by the
Government alone, although government sup¬
port is essential”—“The Irish language is the
most distinctive sign of our nationality”—
“Our present position as an independent State
derives in large measure from the idealism
evoked by the Irish language movement.” It
(the ianguage) has contributed fundamentally
to the distinctive qualities we possess as a
community and as individuals.”
“During the next ten years the Govern¬
ment’s policy will be directed towards—
Strengthening the social and economic life
of the Gaeltacht, extending the use of Irish
as a living language, oral and written and
Providing, through knowledge of the
language and its literature wider access to
Ireland’s cultural heritage.”
The actual government proposals are how¬
ever not sufficiently detailed.
It had been hoped, and still is hoped by the
language movement, that a detailed plan with
obtainable targets set for fixed dates would be
drawn up. Much of the cynicism which exists
in regard to Gaelic in Ireland is a result of
the setting of vague targets which are un¬
attainable in the short run.
In 'general the language movement has
expressed some disappointment with the white
paper. Proposals to arrest the economic
decline of the Gaeltacht are considered too
weak. Many excellent proposals have been
shelved. The government apparently does
not intend to take a strong line with the state-
run television service which allots a bare
minimum of time to the “first official
language. ’ ’ The television service has
repeatedly been used by anti-Irish elements
for' propaganda purposes.
The state should at least ensure that this
important medium of communication will be
used to explain the need for Irish and that it
will not be used by those elements opposed to
the ideal of an “Ireland not alone free but
Gaelic as well.”
Perhaps the most hopeful features of the
programme are
(a) the fact that the responsi¬
bility of co-ordinating and supervising state
policy has been placed on a specific minister—
The Minister for Finance.
(b) progress reports are to be issued at inter¬
(c) A consultative council to review policy
will be set up.
The white paper (Athbheochan na Gaeilge)
price 1/- is obtainable from
Oifig Dfolta Foiseachan Rialtais,
An Stuara,
Ardoifig an Phoist,
Baile Atha Cliath,
Luchairt nam Bard
Is taitneach learn miann le cail,
ionnsaidhean tlath tighinn beb
Direadh gu’n mhullach is aird’,
gu! ionad nan dan le debin ;
Gu bhith faighinn na meal’ as a’ bhlbth,
gu bhith deoghal a mhain an sbigh;
An gleus a bheir ealadhain air clar,
air aignidhean blath is cbir.
Gu bhith dusgadh nan sunnd gu seinn,
gu aighear ’s gu aoibhneas fbis;
Gu bhith ’g eirigh am madainn nan rann,
air sguaban am. bann an dlagh;
Le blagh agus seadh gu’n a’ cheann,
gu’n taghadh neo-ghann gun chks,
Bheir cron bhuam air fbgradh air ball,
’s a dheanadh min dhomh gach cam is earn.
’S mar sin air adhart: an tlr a’ chibil,
gun mheang gun smur innt’ tamh ;
Gu bhith togail nam fonn ’s fearr suigh,
gu airde nam flur nach cnbmh ;
Dol am binnead gun smalan gu diir,
leis an ribheid nach mhch ’san dan;
Mar sin gu bhith fileant’ ’sa’ chhis,
ann an aitreibh ’san luchairt niam bard.
Dbmhnall B. Moireasdan,
Sealpaidh na Hearadh.
Previously acknowledged
Lochalsh Gaelic Choir
Cornaigmore Branch
Miss M. S. Cameron, Fife ...
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