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JIo«l Prize List
Adjudicators: Rev. A. J. MacVicar, M.A. ;
Kenneth G. Finlay; Hector MacDougall;
Lachlan MacKinnon, M.A.; Murdo
MacLeod, M.A. ; Donald MacNair, B.Sc. ;
Edward Pursell, M.A. ; Patrick Shuldam-
Shaw; John F. Steele, M.A.
Junior Section
Group “A”—(1) Book Prizes for Secondary
Classes. (2) Merit Certificates for Primary
Classes. Awarded to pupils from following schools
—Gigha Public School; Dingwall Academy;
Nicolson Institute, Stornoway ; Oban High School;
Port Ellen Junior Secondary School; Portree
Secondary School ; Sir E. Scott School, Harris.
Group “ D ’ ’—Special Competition : Essay in
Gaelic on the life of Abraham (Prizes presented
by the late Mrs. Stewart. Simla) :—Boys : 1, Donald
J. MacLennan; 2, Donald Campbell. Girls: 1,
Mary B. MacDonald; 2, Beth MacLeod. (All from
Sir Edward Scott School, Harris).
Senior Section
Silver Cup presented by the Earl and Countess
of Cassillis, awarded to the competitor having the
highest number of marks in Senior Literary Com¬
petitions in which he or she has been a prize¬
winner—Mrs. Mary I. Millar, Kingussie.
Gold Medal presented by Miss Millar Weir,
Alexandria, given to the most distinguished prize¬
winner in the Literary Competitions (former
winners debarred —Angus Matheson, Glasgow.
Poem on any subject (Prize of £5, along with
Bardic Crown and Bardic Scroll and retention for
one year of the Ailsa Trophy)—1 and 2, Angus
Matheson, Glasgow.
Short Story (not exceeding 600 words) (Hugh
MacCorquodale (Fingal) Memorial Prize of £3)—
Mrs. Helen MacGregor, Oban.
Story, extending to 2,000 words or more
(Prize of £5 presented by Gaelic Society of
Glasgow)—Mrs. Mary I. Millar, Kingussie.
Essay on any subject (Prize of £5)—1, Mrs.
Mary I. Millar, Kingussie; 2, John N. MacLeod,
Compilation of Unpublished Gaelic Vocal Music
(Prize of £2)—Mrs. Kate Douglas, Kilmuir, Skye.
Arrangement in harmony of Gaelic song (Angus
Robertson Memorial Prize of £5, presented by the
Glasgow Skye Association)—C. MaeColl, Helens¬
Section “A”—Home Industry: kilt hose of
handspun wool (Prize of £3 and retention for one
year of An Comunn Gaidhealach Trophy)—1, Miss
MacDonald, Dunoon; 2, Mrs. Catriona B. Mac¬
Kinnon Brown, Dunoon.
Section “ B ’ ’—Design : book cover in Celtic
design—1, Elspeth M. Anderson, Glasgow; 2, Anne
C. M. MacConochie Glasgow; 3 (equal), Jean
Fletcher, Ardgour. and Mairi I. Campbell,
Glo sgow.
Section “C”—Handicraft: leather handbag
in Celtic design—Elspeth M. Anderson, Glasgow.
Section “D”—Needlework: reproduction in
colour of selected design for tea-cosy, table-centre,
etc.—Mrs. D. Brown, Dunoon.
Junior Section
“ The Rev. George W. MacKay, D.D.,
Memorial Cup ’’(awarded to competitor with
highest aggregate marks for reading, reciting, and
conversation)—Mona MacDonald, Glasgow.
MASONIC HALL (Main Hall) : Adjudicator—
Donald Jackson, M.A.
Reading with expression a piece of prose or
poetry (native or fluent Gaelic speakers) (a) Aged
12-16-—1, Agnes MacDonald, Portree Secondary
School; 2, Nan MacEachan, lochdar; 3 and 4
(equal), Mona MacDonald, Glasgow, and Chrissie
MacDonald, lochdar; 5. Catriona MacDonald,
Glasgow. (b) Children under 12—Margaret A.
Campbell, Port Ellen.
Reciting from memory “ Loch Dubhthaich ”
—1, Agnes MacDonald, Portree Secondary School;
2 and 3 (equal), Mona MacDonald, Glasgow, and
John MacKenzie, Portree Secondary School.
MASONIC HALL (Room A) : Adjudicator—Mrs.
C. M. MacKay, M.A., Glasgow.
Reading at sight an unfamiliar prose piece
chosen by the adjudicator—1, Mona MacDonald,
Glasgow ; 2, John MacKenzie, Portree Secondary
School; 3, Mary Cameron. Oban High School. 4
and 5 (equal), Margaret M. MacLean, Glasgow;
and Elizabeth Cameron, Oban High School.
Verse-speaking by groups of from 6 to 10
speakers (Prescribed piece: “ Blar Chuil-lodair ”)
(Prizes presented by Col. and Mrs. Ritchie,
Laggan)—1, Portree Secondary School; 2, Oban
High School “ A ” ; 3, Dail-an-tobair Group.
Narrative based on some local incident,
tradition, or legend, followed by conversation on
the subject of the narrative between the competitor
and adjudicator—1. Mona MacDonald, Glasgow;
2, Catriona E. MacKay, Glasgow ; 3, Margaret M.
MacLean, Glasgow.
BURGH HALL (Room A) : Adjudicator—Rev. A.
M. Beaton, M.A.
Excellence in Gaelic conversation—1 Agnes
MacDonald, Portree Secondary School; 2, Nina
Campbell, Oban High School.
Co-fharpais air son Comunu na h-Oigridh:
Comhradh ris a’ Bhreitheamh air cuspair a thaghas
an Co-fharpaiseach—1, Una NicDhomhnaill (Port-
Righeadh) ; 2 agus 3 (co-ionann), Raonull Mac-
Aoidh (Port-Righeadh), agus Catriona Nic ’Ille
Dhuinn (An t-Oban).
Repeating from memory St. Matthew’s Gospel,
vi, 1-4, children under 12) (Prizes presented by
the late Mrs. Stewart, Simla)—Boys: Donald G.
MacLarty, Ardrishaig. Girls: 1, Margaret A.
Campbell, Port Ellen; 2, Kathleen MacKinnon,
Oban; 3. Catriona Thomson. Oban.
BURGH HALL (Room B) : Adjudicator—Rev.
Hector A. M. MacLean, M.A.
Reading with expression a piece of prose or
poetry (learners, aged 12-16)—1, Anne MacKenzie,
Oban High School; 2, Mairi MacCallum, Tay-
vallich; 3 and 4 (equal), WOliam T. Ross,
Lochinver, and Margaret Paisley, Glasgow; o,
Margaret Fraser. Oban High School.
Reading with expression a piece of prose or
poetry (learners, aged under 12)— Kathleen
MacKinnon, Oban.
Excellence in Gaelic Conversation (learners)—
1, Kathleen MacKinnon, Oban; 2, Catriona
Thomson. Oban High School.