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is of great value, not only to legal historians,
hut also to all interested in Highland history.
Dr. Cameron was a member of St. Columba
Parish Church, Glasgow, where he was for
some time Chairman of Managers.
Active in many spheres, wise in counsel, full
of enthusiasm for the culture, traditions, and
well-being of the Gaelic people, Dr. John
Cameron will best be remembered by many for
those qualities of heart and mind which, during
years of friendship, they learned to appreciate.
We express our deep sympathy with his
daughter, Anne—bereft of both her parents in
so short a time—and his sister and other
At the funeral, which took place to Dum¬
barton on 15th August, there was a large
attendance of friends and representatives of the
numerous societies and activities in which Dr.
Cameron was interested. The Services were
conducted by the Very Rev. Dr. Alexander
Macdonald and the Rev. T. M. Murchison.
A lament on the bag-pipes was played at the
AIG amannan chan ’eil ann am briathran
beoil ach meadhonan truagha gu bhith
cur an ceill doimhneachd ar faireachdainnean.
Is ann mar sin a tha a’ chuis an drhsda, agus
mi a’ feuchainn ri bhith foillseachadh
na tha ’nam chridhe agus. an cridheachan a
chairdean llonmhor mu bh&s an Ollaimh Iain
Camshron air Di-haoine, an t-aon-lk-deug de’n
Liinasdal. Chaidh a thiodhlacadh air a’
chdigeamh 15 deug ann an Cladh Dhiin-
Bhreatann 15imh ri a mhnaoi chaoimh a
shiubhail ach gann bliadhna roimhe. Tha a
chkirdean de’n bheachd gun do dh’aobharaich
b5s a cheile ghridhaich an tinneas a thkinig
air. Ged a chaidh e beagan am feabhas. cha
robh a shlkinte air aiseag air ais dha gu buil-
each bho’n uair ud. Bha kireamh mhdr an
15thair aig an adhlacadh, a’ riochdachadh nan
comunn—agus b’iomadh iad—anns an robh an
t-Ollamh nach maireann ’na fhear-iuil.
Chan ann a mhhin mar sgoilear ro-fhoghlum-
aichte anns na seann laghannan Ceilteach no
mar fhear-lagha fiosraichte a bhitheas cuimhne
ghrkdhach againn air Iain Camshron, ged a
fhuair sinn cdmhnadh agus stiuradh an ioma-
dach doigh bho a chuid sgoilearachd agus a
chuid edlais. Fad a bheatha bho a 6ige rinn
e obair chruaidh ag adhartachadh cor a chinnich
agus a dhuthcha, agus tha na rinn e aith-
nichte agus prlseil leinn. Ach ’s e fha fagail
ar brbin cho m6r gu robh meas agus miiirn
againn air mar dhuine a bha coibhneil, iriosal,
ceart anns gach ceum a ghabh e. Duine socair
s£imh, ach duine aig an robh buadhan inntinne
is cridhe a bha follaiseach agus luachmhor do
na h-uile a chuir eolas air. Chan aithne
dhbmhsa duine as urrainn an t-5ite sbnraichte
a bha aige-san a llonadh anns gach sebrsa
seirbhis anns an robh limh aige. Mar Cheann-
suidhe a’ Chomuinn Ghaidhealaich rinn e
seirbhis shonraichte, agus cha robh duine anns
an dreuchd sin riamh a bu dilse no a bu
chomasaiche na e.
Bidh cuimhne chubhraidh againn uile air
Iain Camshron, agus tha ar co-fhaireachdainn
aig a nighinn, Anna, agus a phiuthar ’nan
dubh-bhrbn. ’S e durachd ar cridhe gum bi iad
air am misneachadh agus air an comhfhurt-
achadh ’nan call deuchainneach.
Iain MacGille-na- Brataich.
ONE of the units of the R.A.F. Station.
Kinloss, Morayshire, has adopted a badge
having a sporran as the dominant symbol and
with a Gaelic motto—" Deas Daonnan Deas ”
(“ Ready Aye Ready ”). The motto and the
sporran symbolise both the Scottish descent
of the 45th Maintenance Unit and its function
as a custodian of the wealth of the R.A.F.,
namely, aircraft.
A Yorkshireman by birth, Wing-Commander
G. L. Lister, Officer Commanding 45 M.U.,
has long cherished a deep affection for Scot¬
land, ever since in his younger days he spent
many holidays in mountain-climbing and
cycling in the Highlands. It is not surprising,
therefore, that he should be the creator of a
badge so strongly redolent of the Highlands.
There were difficulties to be overcome, how¬
ever, and, to begin with, the heraldic experts
were not exactly enthusiastic about the pro¬
posed badge, but now at last the new badge
has been finally approved by H.M. the King.
In seeking an appropriate Gaelic motto
Wg.-Cdr. Lister was provided with a number
of possible ones by Mr. D. Campbell Cowan,
J.P., President of the Elgin Branch of An
Comunn Gaidhealach, and it was one of those
submitted by Mr. Cowan that was finally
chosen. Mr. Donald MacPhail, Northern
Organiser of An Comunn, provided the official
verification of the authenticity of the phrase,
which was essential to acceptance of the badge.
We congratulate 45 M.U. and their C.O. on
their achievement, and also Mr. Cowan and
Mr. MacPhail on their share in the matter.
(See Cover Picture)