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\ai<lh<ka<*li<l na Ii-Airile TuaUi
THE November meeting of
Ceilidh nan Gaidheal an
Inbhir-Nis was held in the
Town Hall on Saturday, 19th
November, before a crowded
attendance. Mr Donald MacPhail,
President, was in the Chair and an
excellent programme was submitted.
Mr John N. MacLeod (Alasdair
Mor) gave a most interesting
talk in the course of the evening.
On this date also the 1949
National Mod General Committee
met in the Caledonian Hotel. An
apology was read from the Presi¬
dent who found it impossible to be
present. He was represented by
the General Secretary, Mr Neil
Shaw, and Mr J. T. Graham,
C.A., General Treasurer, was also
in attendance. Reports on the
work of the various committees
were submitted and approved.
The local Treasurer, Mr George A.
Smith, submitted a statement of
income and expenditure, and the
General Treasurer said that he had
examined the statement and
relative vouchers and found every¬
thing in perfect order. He con¬
gratulated the local officials on a
job well done. After the usual
votes of thanks had been proposed,
the Chairman, Captain William
MacKay, said that, in terms of
bye-law 40, the Committee would
now be dissolved.
Wester Ross
THE Organiser paid a visit to
Wester Ross and the following
places were visited:—-•
Badachro, Opinan, Gairloch,
Poolewe, Inverasdale, Aultbea,
Laide, Gruinart, Ardandrean,
Logie, Ullapool, Strathcanaird,
and Achiltibuie. School rolls
still continue to decrease and
several of the smaller schools have
been closed. At Achiltibuie
religious instruction is given in
Gaelic, and during the Organiser’s
visit he heard the children
singing a psalm in Gaelic in the
old way with a nine-year-old boy
chanting the line. Is e an
t-ionnsachadh 6g an t-ionnsachadh
ON 25th November the Tain
Branch held a Ceilidh with
the Organiser as Fear-an-
tighe. Mr A. R. MacKenzie, who
has resigned the office of President,
is succeeded by Mr Angus MacLeod,
Fearn, and the new Hon. Secretary
also bears the same name. In
recognition of his good work in the
area, the former President was
appointed Hon. President of the
Meetings of the Northern Pro¬
paganda and Education Sub-
Committees were held on Saturday,
26th November, when the work
of the new session came under
War Memorial and Thanks¬
giving Fund.
ON 1st December, Mrs J. M.
Bannerman was present at a
meeting in the Inverness
Office, when a committee was set
up to organise an Inverness Burgh
and County Stall at the Feill to be
held at Glasgow next year in aid
of the War Memorial and Thanks¬
giving Fund. Mrs J. A. Mackin¬
tosh was appointed Convener, Mr
Donald MacPhail, Hon. Secretary
and Mr George A. Smith, Hon.
THE Lochinver Branch held the
second ceilidh of the session
in the Comrades Hall, Loch¬
inver, on Friday, 2nd December.
Rev. Angus MacKenzie presided,
and the Organiser gave a talk in
Gaelic and English. A happy
ceilidh followed. Despite very
inclement weather there was a
good attendance.
On the following day, a meeting
of Branch representatives in Suther¬
land met in the Higher Grade
School, Lairg. The report and
balance sheet for the 1949 Local
Mod was unanimously approved,
and the Committee at Lairg were
sincerely thanked for promoting
such a successful Mod. Lairg,
Golspie, and Dornoch were pro¬
posed as venues for the 1950 Mod
and, on a final vote, Golspie was
selected by a majority of two votes.
Adjudicators were appointed and a
mod syllabus prepared. Mr
MacPhail was thanked for his
attendance and assistance.
On Thursday, 8th December,
the Organiser was present at the
meeting of the Golspie Branch.
This meeting had been called to
consider the 1950 Local Mod and to
appoint office-bearers. The follow¬
ing were electedConvener, Mr
Donald MacLeod ; Hon. Secretary,
Mr Hector G. MacDonald ; Hon.
Treasurer, Mr Jack Ross.
On the same evening, the Organi¬
ser was present at a ceilidh of the
Brora Branch. Mr W. Grant
presided, and an interesting pro¬
gramme was submitted. Mr
MacPhail addressed the gathering in
Gaelic and English and gave an
account of his recent visit to the
West Coast. He appealed for
support for the County Mod to be
held at Golspie next year on Friday,
2nd June.
South-West Ross Mod
ON the following morning the
Organiser left for Kyle of
Lochalsh via Inverness. On
Saturday, 10th December, he pre--
sided over a meeting of district
representatives at Kyle. After
the report and financial statement
for the 1949 Mod had been approved
consideration was given to the 1950
Mod. To avoid clashing with other
functions, it was unanimously
decided to hold the 1950 Mod on
Friday, 2nd June, at Kyle of
Lochalsh. The arrangements for
the Mod were remitted to the Kyle
Branch, with a recommendation
that representatives from other
Branches in the Mod area be
co-opted to the Committee. Adju¬
dicators were appointed and a
syllabus prepared. Mr James T.
Graham, C.A., General Treasurer
of An Comunn, who is on holiday
in the district, was present, and he
was warmly welcomed by Mr
Donald Nicolson, Branch Presi¬
dent, who also thanked Mr Mac¬
Phail for his attendance and
Vacation Course
Arrangements are now
practically complete for the
Vacation Course to be held at
Swordale House, Evanton, from
27th to 30th December, 1949.
This course is for leaders of Comunn
na h-Oigridh. Students will be
present from Barra, South Uist,
Benbecula, North Uist, Harris,
Lewis, Skye, Wester Ross, and
Lochaber. It was hoped to have
representatives from Argyllshire
but, at the time of writing these
“Notes,” no names have come
forward. Swordale House has
been granted by Mr. and Mrs
J. M. Bannerman, to whom
sincere thanks are due. The
B.B.C. are interested, and it is
hoped that part of the proceedings
will be recorded for transmission
at a later date. In this way all
who are interested in Comunn na
h-Oigridh will be able to hear
part at least of what engaged the
attention of the delegates. Sincere
thanks are due to Mr Hugh Mac-
Phee and the B.B.C. for their
warm and practical interest in
Gaelic Youth. A report of the
School will appear in the next
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