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Tour in Isla} Flos irn Kuna ire
Mr. Alasdair Matheson, Assistant
Secretary, paid an official visit to
Branches of An Comunn and
Feachdan of Comunn na h-Oigridh
in Islay during a week in February.
At a well-attended ceilidh the
Chairman, Rev. Murdo MacRae,
who was introduced by Mr. John
Forrest, Branch President, appealed
for greater support for the Gaelic
language. Mr. Matheson also
addressed the audience and urged
support of the Islay Provincial
Mod. Next morning Mr. Matheson
visited the school and was very
kindly received by Mr. Macpherson,
Headmaster, and Mr. MacGill,
Gaelic Master. He addressed the
children and enrolled 33 new
members in Comunn na h-Oigridh.
Port Ellen
Mr. Matheson presided at a
ceilidh and was introduced by Mr.
Neil MacKechnie, President. An
excellent programme was followed
by an enjoyable dance. Next
day Mr. Matheson visited the
Feachdan of Comunn na h-Oigridh
in Port Ellen and Ardbeg schools
and enrolled new members. He
also formed a new Feachd in the
Oa school.
At a meeting in Bridgend Hall
the branch of An Comunn, which
lapsed during the war, was re¬
constituted after an address by
Mr. Matheson. The following
office-bearers were appointed:—
President, Mr. Hugh Duncan;
Secretary and Treasurer, Miss
Margaret MacPhee, Post Office,
Bridgend; Assistant Secretary,
Miss MacNiven; with a committee
of nine members.
Mr. Duncan and Miss MacPhee
were appointed to represent the
Branch on the Islay Provincial
Mod Committee, and Mrs. Laing,
Kirkintilloch, was appointed
Branch representative on the
Executive Council of the parent
body. An enjoyable Ceilidh
followed the business of the meeting.
Mr. Matheson visited the Feachdan
in the schools at Newton, Kilmeny,
Keills, and Mullindry, and enrolled
new Iriembers.
Port Charlotte
An enjoyable ceilidh was held
here and, after Mr. Matheson had
addressed the audience, a new
committee was elected. Mr. Alex.
Maclndeor was re-elected President,
and Miss MacKechnie, the Gaelic
teacher in the school, was appointed
Secretary and Treasurer in suc¬
cession to Miss Brown, who has
now left the district. The schools
in Port Charlotte, Portnahaven,
and Goirtean were visited, and
new members were enrolled in
Comunn na h-Oigridh.
Mr. Matheson during his tour
made contact with the officials of
the Kilmeny Branch, and was
glad to learn that the Branch is in
a healthy state and the choir has
already started practising for the
Islay Mod. Enthusiasm for the
Mod is high throughout the island,
and Mr. Neil MacKechnie, the
Secretary, reports excellent support
from all the Branches.
Regional Committee
A Regional Committee for
Comunn na h-Oigridh has now
been formed in Islay, and Mr.
Matheson was able to contact all
the members and outline the work
envisaged by the parent committee.
The following have agreed to serve
on the Regional Committee:—
Miss Annie MacNiven and Messrs.
D. Gillies, N. MacKechnie,
Macpherson, N. MacGill, and D.
been appointed Lord Lieutenant of
the . County of Dunbarton in
succession to the late Sir Iain
Colquhoun. The Chairman, it will
be recalled, was mainly responsible
for the kilt being restored to
Highland regiments in the Army.
A most enjoyable programme was
Mr. Alasdair Matheson attended
a meeting of the Dunoon Branch
on 4th February. The Very Rev.
Canon Duncan MacLean was Fear-
an-Tighe and about 300 people
attended. A Gaelic Continuation
Class conducted by Mr. Angus
Matheson is well attended, and
there is also an enthusiastic Gaelic
Choir under the leadership of Mr.
Neil MacLean.
The Headquarters staff paid
their annual visit to the Skelmorlie
and District Highland Association
on 8th February and were accom¬
panied by Miss Dorothy Hunter
and Miss' Bessie Alexander
(violinist). Mr Shaw presided
over the ceilidh in the Skelmorlie
Hydro, and there was a very
large attendance.
Mr. Shaw attended a meeting of
the Largs Branch on 10th February
and addressed the members. With
him were Miss Katie MacLellan
and Mr. Paul Madnnes, who gave
fine renderings of Gaelic songs.
Local artistes also contributed to
the programme. The session has
been a very successful one.
Vale of Leven
A well attended Ceilidh was
held on 16th February, when the
chair was . occupied by Major-
General Telfer-Smollett, who has
(Continued in previous column)