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Poem, not exceeding 50 lines, on any subject.
Prizes—1st, £3; 2nd, Copy of “The Mac¬
Donald Collection of Gaelic Poetry.”
1, Malcolm MacRae, Glasgow; 2, Alex.
Stewart, Glenlyon; 3, special (equal), Murdo
Murray, Foyers, and John Martin, Glasgow.
Essay on “ The Achievement of the Highland
Regiments in the Great War.” Prize—£5.
John MacCormick, Glasgow.
Three Short Stories not exceeding 500 words in
each. Prizes—1st, £5 5s (presented by the
Atholl Branch of An Comunn); 2nd £2.
1, John MacCormick, Glasgow; 2, Rev. D.
M'Callum, Lochs.
Essay on “ The Industrial Development of the
Highlands viewed from the Material, Social,
and Moral Standpoint.” Prize presented
by Ceilidh nan Gaidheal, Glasgow.
Hector M'Dougall, Glasgow.
Gaelic Story, extending to 2,000 words or more.
The tale may be based on actual historical
incidents or local legends. Prize—£5.
John M'Cormick, Glasgow.
A Short Gaelic Play for Children. Time not to
occupy more than 20 minutes. Prize—£2.
Hector M'Dougall, Glasgow.
Gaelic Humorous Dialogue. Prize—£2.
Kenneth Macdonald, Contin.
Best Poem describing some deed of Heroism in
the Great War. Prize—£3.
Kenneth Macdonald, Contin.
Original Short Essays on the promotion of the
study of Gaelic and the benefits of a know¬
ledge of the language. Prizes—1st, £5;
2nd, £3; 3rd, £1. Presented by Mrs.
Stewart, Simla, India.
1, Hector M'Dougall, Glasgow; 2, James Thom¬
son, Stornoway; 3, Miss Catherine MacLeod,
An Original Gaelic Hymn to an original air of
Celtic character. Prize—£2.
Rev. D. MacCallum, Lochs.
Senior Winner of the Gold Pendant given to the
most distinguished prize-winner in the
Literary Competitions.
Hector MacDougall, Glasgow.
Recitation of a Piece of Dramatic Poetry,
memorised by competitor. Prizes—1st, £1;
2nd, 10s. Open to all.
1. Mrs. Coutts, Glasgow; 2, Archd Munn,
Reading of an unfamiliar Piece of Prose chosen
by the Judges. Prizes—1st, £1; 2nd, 10s.
Open to all.
1, Miss Nellie Cameron, Oban; 2, Miss B.
MacWilliam, Killin.
Ancient Folk Tale, preferably unpublished—nar¬
rated in traditional style. Prizes—1st, £3;
2nd, £2; 3rd, £1.
1, Malcolm MacIntyre, Colonsay; 2, Arohd.
Munn, Oban; 3, John Stewart, Morenish.
Reading of a Piece of Gaelic Prose by a native
of Perthshire, preferably an extract from Dr.
Norman MacLeod’s “ Teachdaire Gaidh-
ealach.” Prizes—1st, £2; 2nd, £1 10s; 3rd,
£1. Presented by Mrs. Stewart, Simla,
1, Miss K. MacNaughton, Killin; 2, Miss C.
Campbell, Killin; 3, Miss B. MacWilliam,
Best prepared Gaelic Speech. Prizes—1st, £2;
2nd, £1.
1, Mrs. Coutts, Glasgow; 2, Win. Cameron,
Best Acted Dialogue between Two Performers.
The words may be selected from any pub¬
lished Gaelic Work, or may be specially com¬
posed. Not to exceed fifteen minutes in
delivery. Prizes—-1st, £5 5s; 2nd, £3 3s;
3rd, £2. First Prize presented by Glasgow
High School Gaelic Class Ceilidh.
1, Mrs. Coutts (Glasgow) and John M. Banner-
man (Glasgow); 2, Miss Nellie Cameron (Oban)
and Peter Fletcher (Oban).
Solo Singing of a Song. Female voices. Confined
to Members of An Comunn Gaidhealach, its
Branches and Affiliated Societies. Prizes—
1st, £2; 2nd, £1. Former gold medallists
and first-prize winners for singing excluded.
1, Miss Rhoda MacLeod, Inverness; 2, Miss C.
MacCaskill, Kinlochleven.
Solo Singing of a Song. Male Voices. Con¬
fined to Members of An Comunn Gaidh¬
ealach, its Branches, and Affiliated Societies.
Prizes—1st, £2; 2nd, £1. Former gold
medallists and first-prize winners for sing¬
ing excluded.
1, Neil MacLean, Oban; 2, Calum Stewart,
For the best rendering of any one of six selected
songs by the late Henry Whyte, “ Fionn,”
“ A’ mhaighdean aluinn,” “ An cluinn thu
mi mo nighean donn,” “ An Gaidheal, air
leabaidh bais,” “ Caisteal a’ Ghlinne,”
“ Dhealaich mise nochd ri m’ leannan,” and
“ Mo Ghille Dubh.” Prize, £2. Presented
by Miss A. C. Whyte, Glenetive.
1, Miss Jenny M. B. Currie, Ford.
A competition for Seniors in Solo Singing of
“ Puirt a-Beul.” The words and musb to
be sung must be submitted to the Secretary
on entry, for approval. Competitors should
select sets of tunes that are adapted to vocal
rendering, and words that are unobjection¬
able from the point of eiew of good taste.
Two tunes be to be professed by each competi¬
tor, one of which must be unpublished. For
published tunes see Dr. K. N. MacDonald’s
collection of Puirt-a-Beul. Prizes—1st, £1
10s; 2nd, 15s; 3rd, 10s.
1, Alex. Cameron, Glasgow; 2, Miss J. M. B.
Currie, Ford; 3, Mrs. C. MacPherson, Glasgow.
Solo Singing of a Gaelic Song connected with
the Lochness-side district (Stratherrick, Fort-
Augustus, Glenurquhart, etc.), to be known
as the “ James Grant Memorial ” Prize.
Open. Prizes-—1st, £2 10s; 2nd, £1 10s;
3rd, £1.