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An t-Samhuin, 1928.
Group C. (1) — 1, R. Chisholm, M.A., Portree
Secondary School; 2, Miss M. D. Macqueen, Oban
High School; 3, Donald Graham, M. A., Royal Academy,
Inverness. (2)—1, R. Chisholm, M.A., Portree Second¬
ary School; 2, D. Macphail, M.A., Fort-William H.G.
School; 3, Miss M. D. Macqueen, Oban High School.
Group D. (1)—1, Miss M. D. Macqueen, Oban High
School; 2, R. Chisholm, M.A., Portree Secondary
School; 3, D. Macphail, M.A., Fort-William H.G.
School. (2)—1, D. Macphail, M.A., Fort-William H.G.
School; 2, R. Chisholm, M.A., Portree Secondary
School; 3, Miss M. D. Macqueen, Oban High School.
(3)—1, Miss M. D. Macqueen, Oban High School;
2, Donald Graham, M.A., Royal Academy, Inverness;
3, R. Chisholm, M.A., Portree Secondary School.
Group A.—1, Angus Grant, Ferrindonald Public
School, Skye; 2, Miss G. L. Macdonald, M.A., Tober¬
mory H.G. School; 3, Miss Harriet Stewart, Bunavoulin
School, Drimnin.
Group B.—1, A. Gillies, F.E I.S., Sir E. Scott School,
Harris; 2, Miss M. D. Macqueen, Oban High School;
3, Miss G. L. Macdonald, M.A., Tobermory H.G.
Group C. (1)—1, R. Chisholm, M.A., Portree Second¬
ary School; 2, A. Gillies, F.E.I.S., Sir E. Scott School,
Harris; 3, Donald Graham, M.A., Royal Academy,
Inverness. (2)—1, R. Chisholm, M.A., Portree Second¬
ary School; 2, A. Gillies, F.E.I.S., Sir E. Scott School,
Harris; 3, Donald Graham, M.A., Royal Academy,
Group D (1)—1, R. Chisholm, M.A., Portree Second¬
ary School; 2, Donald Graham, M.A., Royal Academy,
Inverness; 3, Miss M. D. Macqueen, High School,
Oban. (2)—1, R. Chisholm, M.A., Portree Secondary
School; 2, Donald Graham, M.A., Royal Academy,
Inverness; 3, D. Macphail, M.A., Fort-William H.G.
School. (3)—1, R. Chisholm, M.A., Portree Secondary
School; 2, Donald Graham, M.A., Royal Academy,
Inverness; 3, Miss M. D. MacQueen, Oban High School.
Senior Section.
Winner of Gold Pendant for most distinguished
prize-winner in the Literary Competitions—Former
winners debarred—Kenneth Macdonald, Contin, Strath-
Poem on any Subject.—1, Peter Campbell, Bragar,
Lewis; 2, Kenneth Macdonald, Contin.
One Short Story not exceeding 500 words.—John
Macfadyen, Corkerhill.
Gaelic Story, extending to 2000 words or more.—
Kenneth Macdonald, Contin.
Gaelic Dialogue.—Duncan Macdonald, Sandwickhill,
Essay on any Subject.—Kenneth Macdonald, Contin.
Book-plate Design.—1, Andrew J. Orr, Putney,
London ; 2, Mrs. Campbell Blair, Inverarag; 3 (equal).
Miss Morag Maclean, Crossbill, Glasgow, and Miss
Flora Macdougall, Portcharlotte, Islay.
Needlework Competition (Celtic Design Transfer).
Competition A.—Miss Iona Campbell, Oban. Competi¬
tion B.—1, Miss Margaret Sutherland, Paisley; 2
(equal), Miss Flora MacPherson, Foyers, and Miss E. K.
Menzies, Aberfeldy.
Reading Prose or Poetry, by Native Speakers.—
1, Mary Cameron, Glenelg; 2, Calum Iain Macleod,
KirkhiU; 3, Malcolm Campbell, Greenock; 4, Janet
MacGilp, do.; 5, Murdo Macdonald, Inverness.
Reading Prose or poetry, by Learners.—1, Catherine
Stewart, Blair-Atholl; 2, Flora Mackinnon, Greenock.
Reading at sight an unfamiliar Prose Piece.—1,
Calum Iain Macleod, Kirkhill; 2, Murdo Macdonald,
Inverness; 3, Colin Macleod, Inverness; 4, (equal)
Iain Chisholm, do., and Flora Macphee, do.
Biblical Repetition (Boys).—1, Colin Campbell,
Greenock ; 2, Duncan Robertson, do. Girls.—1, Annie
Campbell, Greenock.
Recitation.—1, Mary Cameron, Glenelg; 2, Effie
Robertson, Glenfincastle ; 3, Janet MacGilp, Greenock.
Narrative and Conversation.—1, Calum Iain Macleod;
2, Effie Robertson.
For Excellence in Gaelic Conversation.—1, Mary
Cameron, Glenelg; 2, Calum Iain Macleod.
Conversations between Judges and Competitors.—
Calum Iain Macleod.
Traditional Singing of an Unpublished Gaelic Song.—
1, Margaret MacGilp, Greenock ; 2, Mairi Macleod, do.;
3, Morag Robertson, do.
Girls’ solo (silver medal).—1, Margaret MacGilp,
Greenock ; 2, Annie S. Maclellan, Greenock ; 3, Mary
Cameron, Glenelg.
Boys’ solo (silver medal).—1, Henry MacGuiness,
Tayvallich; 2, Calum Campbell, Greenock; 3, Colin
Macleod, Inverness.
Choral Singing (Mrs. Miller’s Trophy).—1, Greenock
Gaelic Parish Church Junior Choir (B); 2, Merkinch
School Choir, Inverness.
Action Song.—Merkinch School Choir.
Girls’ solo (learners).—1, Effie Watson, Greenock ;
2, Mary S. Macdonald, Inverness; 3 (equal), Margaret
Campbell, Greenock, and Flora Kay, do.
Boys’ solos (learners).—1, Hector Macfadyen,
Greenock; 2, Rodk. Mackay, Inverness; 3, John
Millar, Fort-William.
Duets (learners)—1, Effie Watson and M. Campbell,
Greenock; 2, May Henderson and E. Cosey, Roy-
Duets.—1, Colin Macleod and Nan Davidson, Inver¬
ness ; 2, Mary Campbell and Peggy MacEachan,
Solos (Boys and Girls, open only to former prize
winners).—1, Colin Macleod, Inverness; 2, Henry
MacGuiness, Tayvallieh.
Solos (Girls over 16 and under 18).—1, Miss Betsy
Macleod, Inverness; 2, Miss Netty Burry, do.
Unison Singing (Junior Choirs).—1, Greenock Gaelic
Parish Church Junior Choir (B); 2, Merkinch School
Choir (Boys).
Choral Singing (Oban Times Trophy).—1, Greenock
Gaelic Parish Church Junior Choir (A); 2, Inverness
Junior Gaelic Choir.
Oban and Lorn Association’s War Commemoration
Medal (Open) for the best rendering of Songs of Lorn
Bards.—1, Gold Badge and £1—Miss Nan Macinnes,
Luing ; 2, Gilbert Macphail, Islay.
Gaelic Folk Songs. Best Rendering of Two Un¬
published Airs.—1, James C. Macphee, Glasgow;
2, Miss Nancy Macdonald, Oban.
Solo Singing (Male Voices).—1, John Macphee,
Glasgow; 2, D. M. Mackenzie, Inverness.
Female Voices.—1, Miss Kirsty Maclennan, London ;
2, Miss Barbara Macconnachie, Campbeltown.
Best Rendering of a Song from Mrs. Kennedy Fraser’s
“ Songs of the Hebrides ”.—1, Miss Morag Macdonald,
Inverness; 2, Miss Nan Macinnes, Luing.
Solo Singing of a Gaelic Song connected with the
County of Inverness (James Grant Memorial Prize).—
1, Gilbert Macphail, Islay; 2, James C. Macphee,