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An t-Samhuin, 1928.
Andrew Stewart, George I. Campbell, Angus
MacAulay, Duncan MacLeod, Neil MacLean,
the President (ex-qfficio).
Education.^—Rev. Malcolm MacLeod (Con¬
vener), Malcolm MacLeod, Dr. George Calder,
Mrs. Burnley Campbell, Norman MacLeod, Dr.
G. W. MacKay, John MacDonald. Miss Lament
of Knockdow, Miss Campbell of Inverneill, Dr.
Neil Ross, Colin Sinclair, George I. Campbell,
the President (ex-qfficio).
Publication.—Malcolm MacLeod (Convener),
Dr. George Calder, Iain M. Moffatt Pender,
Rev. Malcolm MacLeod, Dr. G. W. MacKay,
Donald MacLean, Miss C. M. Gordon, Miss
Campbell of Inverneill, Rev. Donald Lamont,
Donald MacDonald (Glasgow), Colin Sinclair,
Rev. William MacPhail, the President (ex-
ojfficio), the Editor (ex-qfficio).
Propaganda.—Dr. G. W. MacKay (Con¬
vener), Dr. Neil Ross, Rev. Hector Cameron,
George I. Campbell, Iain M. Moffat Pender,
Mrs. J. R. Colquhoun, Donald Graham, Donald
MacDonald (Inverness), Col. A. D. Greenhill
Gardyne, Col. Gilbert Gunn, Miss Earquharson
of Invercauld, Mrs. Christison, the President
Art and Industry.—Miss Campbell of
Inverneill (Convener), Colin Sinclair, George I.
Campbell, Mrs. Burnley Campbell, Rev. Malcolm
MacLeod, Mrs. Christison, Miss Lamont of
Knockdow, Col. Gilbert Gunn, Donald Mac¬
Donald (Inverness), James MacLaren, Dr. R. R.
MacNicol, Hugh MacLean, the President (ex-
Mod and Music.—John R. Bannerman
(Convener), Charles Campbell, Dr. George Calder,
Dr. R. R. MacNicol, Mrs. Christison, Mrs.
Colquhoun, Alexander Fraser, Peter MacIntyre,
Dr. G. W. MacKay, Malcolm MacLeod, Alastair
C. MacLaren, Dr. Neil Ross, the President
Junior Section.
Group A.—Pupib in or below the Qualifying Class.
Reproduction in Gaelic of a short, simple Gaelic
story read twice by the Teacher.—1, Dolina Mackinnon,
Ferrindonald School, Skye ; 2, Jessie A. Nicholson, do.,
do.; 3, Sarah M. Kennedy, Tobermory H.G. School ;
4, Alex. D. Maclachlan, Drimnin ; 5, Chrissie Macphee,
Tobermory H.G. School; 6, John D. Cameron, do.
Group B.—Pupils in the First and Second Years of
Post-Qualifying Courses—Reproduction in Gaelic of a
short Gaelic story read twice by the Teacher, followed
by a rendering of the same story in English—1, Isobel
Paterson, Tobermory H.G. School; 2, Donald Bain,
Portree Secondary School; 3, Katie Macleod, Sir E.
Scott School, Harris; 4, Janet M‘K. Robertson,
Ferrindonald School; 5, Charles Maclean, Tobermory
H.G. School; 6, Aliena Robertson, do.; 7, Norman
Mackay, Sir E. Scott School, Harris,
Group C.—Pupils in the Third and Fourth Years
of the Post-Qualifying Courses.
Writing from Dictation of a Gaelic Prose Passage.—■
1, John Nicolson, Portree Secondary School; 2,
Catherine M. Robertson, do.; 3, Donaldina Macphee,
Oban High School; 4, Peggy Macdonald, Portree
Secondary School; 5, Donald W. Robertson, do. ;
6, Effie Macdonald, do.
Reproduction in Gaelic of a Short Story in English,
read three times by the Teacher.—1, John Mackinnon,
Broadford Public School; 2, Mary Matheson, Portree
Secondary School; 3, Morag Macdonald, do.; 4, Peggy
Macdonald, do.; 5, Mary Effie Campbell, do.; 6,
Elizabeth Macpherson, Fort-William H.G. School.
Group D.—Pupils in the Fifth and Sixth Years of
Post-Qualifying Courses.
Translation of an English Prose Passage into Gaelic.—
1, Christina MacSween, Oban High School; 2, John
Macdougall, do.; 3, Samuel Maclean, Portree Secondary
School; 4, Annie Cameron, do.; 5, Morag Campbell,
do.; 6, John MacCuish, do.
Translation of a Gaelic Prose Passage into English,
followed by a rendering into English of Ten Gaelic
Idioms.—1, Christina Maclean, Fort-William H.G.
School; 2, Neilina Macdonald, Portree Secondary
School; 3, Samuel Maclean, do.; 4, Annie Cameron,
do.; 5, Christy Macdonald, do.; 6, John Macdougall,
Oban High School.
Gaelic Essay.—1, Donald Maclean, Royal Academy,
Inverness; 2, Annie Macpherson, Portree Secondary
School; 3, Christina M. Paterson, Royal Academy,
Inverness; 4, Mary F. Nicolson, do., do.; 5, Dolina
Macdonald, do.; 6, John Macdougall, Oban High
Group E.—University or Training College Students
Translation into English of a Gaelic Prose Passage
or poem.—1, Johanna Morrison, Jordanhill Training
College ; 2, Katie A. Nicolson, do.; 3, Effie Robertson
(Breakish), do.; 4, Euphemia Robertson, do.; 5, Jessie
A. Macdonald (N. Uist), do.
Gaelic Essay on a Literary or an Historical subject.—
1, Effie Robertson (Breakish), Jordanhill Training
College ; 2, Mary Martin Mackenzie, do.; 3, Euphemia
Robertson, do.; 4, Jessie A. Macdonald (N. Uist),
do ; 5, Katie A. Nicolson, do.
Group F.—Evening Continuation Classes or Special
Reproduction in Gaelic of a Short Gaelic Story read
twice by the Teacher.—Miss Iona Macdonald, Inverness.
Group G.—Special Competitions (Conditions laid
down by the donor of prizes).
Boys.—Essay in Gaelic on the Life of David.—1 and
2 (equal), Samuel Maclean, Portree Secondary School,
and Donald L. Dunn, Oban High School. Special.—
John Macdonald, John N. Nicolson, Portree Secondary
School, and Calum Iain N. Macleod, Kirkhill.
Girls.—1, Mary Stewart, Portree Secondary School;
2 (equal), Catherine M. Robertson and Margaret Steele
Beaton, Portree Secondary School. Special.—Morag
Macdonald, Portree Secondary School; Isabella C.
Mackenzie, Oban High School; and Mary Ann Mac¬
donald, Portree Secondary School.
Group A.—1, Angus Grant, Ferrindonald Public
School, Skye; 2, Miss G. L. Macdonald, M.A., Tober¬
mory H.G. School.
Group B.—1, Angus Grant, Ferrindonald Public
School; 2, Miss G. L. Macdonald, M.A., Tobermory
H.G. School; 3, John Macpherson, M.A., Broadford
Public School,