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An D&mhar, 1930.
further diminution of the school population
in the other Highland counties.
Just as the Highlanders cannot afford to
lose their ancient language, the Empire
cannot afford to lose the Highlanders.
The adjudicators at Tuesday’s sessions
were: —Oral Delivery—Mr. Hector Mac-
Dougall, Glasgow; the Rev. John Mac-
Inness, M.A., Connel; Rev. William
MacPhail, Ardrishaig; and Mr. Angus Mac¬
Millan, Scotstoun. Vocal Music—Mr. H.
Plunkett Greene, London; the Rev. Hector
Cameron, Oban; the Rev. T. S. Mac-
Pherson, Campbeltown; and Mr. A. M.
Henderson, Glasgow. In the written com¬
petitions, which had already been decided,
the adjudicators were:—Mr. Roderick
Barron, H.M.I.S., Dornoch; the Rev.
Alister Campbell, Luss; the Rev. John Mac-
Innes, Connel; Mr. Angus MacMillan,
Scotstoun; the Rev. J. A. Nicholls,
Cambusnethan; Mr. Alexander Nicolson,
Glasgow; the Rev. Donald Thomson,
Glasgow; and Mr. David Urquhart, North
Kessock. Results: —
Oral Delivery—Reading prose or poetry by native
speakers—1, Margaret Black, Oban High School; 2
and 3 (equal), Janet Macgilp and Morag Robertson,
Greenock; 4, Dolina MacLean, Drimmn; 5, John
MacMaster, Drimnin.
Reading Prose or Poetry by Learners—1, Tina
Campbell, Minard; 2, Isa A. MacDonald, Tayinloan;
3, Colina MacVicar, St. Catherine’s; 4, Kathleen R.
MacDonald, Kilmacolm; 5, Catherine Macfarlane,
Oban High School.
Reading at First Sight—1, Dolina MacLean; 2,
Margaret Black; 3, Mary Maclennan, Drimnin; 4,
Christina MacDougall, Oban High School; 5, Archie
MacMillan, Drimnin.
Reciting from Memory—1, Peter Mackay, Tober-
onochy; 2, Isobel Campbell, Minard; 3, Annie Mac¬
kenzie, Oban High School.
Narrative based on some local Incident, Tradition,
or Legend—1, Dolina MacLean; 2, Margaret Black;
3, John Macmaster, Drimnin.
Excellence in Gaelic Conversation—1, John Mac¬
master; 2, Margaret Brown, Toberonochy.
Conversation between Judges and Competitors—•
1, Margaret Black, Oban High School; 2 and 3
(equal), Dolina MacLean and John Macmaster.
Scripture (for bovs under 12)—1, Peter Mackay,
Toberonochy; 2 and‘3 (equal), Iain Campbell, Tober¬
onochy, and Archibald B. MacLean, Greenock.
Scripture (for girls under 12)—1, Isobel Camp¬
bell, Minard; 2, Margaret MacDougall, Oban High
School; 3, Rachel MacDougall, Oban High School.
Vocal Music.
Solo Singing (Girls)—1, Rachel Mackellar,
Dunoon; 2, Effie Fisher, Carradale; 3, Jemima Mac-
Lean, Carradale.
Solo Singing (Girls)—An Comunn Silver Medal
—1, Isabel Stewart, Oban; 2, Flora Mackinnon,
Toberonochy; 3, Isobel Campbell, Minard.
Solo Singing (Traditional)—1, Willie Stewart,
Inveraray; 2, Jessie M‘Arthur, Luing; 3, Flora Mac¬
Kinnon, Luing.
Duet Singing—1, Margaret and Janet Macgilp,
Greenock; 2, Margaret M. Macqueen, Easdale, and
Duncan John Macqueen, Easdale.
Choral Singing (Mrs Miller’s Trophy)—1,
Greenock Commercial School Junior Gaelic Choir;
2, Carradale Junior Gaelic Choir.
Action Song (“Shiant Shield,” presented by Mr.
Compton Mackenzie)—1, Luing Junior Choir.
Duet Singing—1, Sarah Mackinnon, Carradale,
and Jemima MacLean, Carradale; 2, Rachel Mac¬
kellar and Christina MacKechnie, Dunoon.
Solo Singing (Boys)—An Comunn Silver Medal—
1, Duncan MacPhee, Dunvegan; 2, Alasdair
Macleod, Inverness; 3, Iain L. Gillies, Glasgow.
Solo Singing (Boys and Girls)—1, Colin Macleod,
Inverness; 2, Jessie MacArthur, Toberonochy; 3,
Duncan John MacQueen.
Solo Singing (Girls 16-18)—1, Annie MacPhail,
Luing; 2, Isobel Robertson, Glasgow; 3, Margaret
MacLellan, Luing.
Choral Singing (Oban Times Challenge Trophy)—
1, Luing Junior Choir; 2, Greenock Gaelic Church
Junior Gaelic Choir.
Solo Singing (Boys)—1, John G. Sutherland,
Greenock; 2, Archie B. Maclean, Greenock; 3,
Gilbert Carmichael, Greenock.
Unison Singing for Junior Choirs (Mrs Campbell
Blair Trophy)—1, Carradale Junior Gaelic Choir; 2,
Luing Junior Choir.
Junior Literary Competitions.
Group A—Pupils in or below Qualifying Class
(Short Gaelic Story)—1, Donald J. MacLeod, Sir
E. Scott School, Harris; 2, Christina Mackinnon,
Broadford Public School; 3, Malcolm M. Robertson,
Broadford Public School; 4, John Anderson, Broad¬
ford Public School; 5, Duncan Finlayson, Broadford
Public School; 6, Julia Ross, Sir E. Scott School,
Harris; 7, Mary MacLeod, Sir E. Scott School,
Harris; 8, Donald Morrison, Sir E. Scott School,
Harris; 9, Margaret MacLean, Broadford Public
School; 10, William Robertson, Tobermory H.G.
Group B—Pupils in First and Second Years of
Post-Qualifying Courses—1, Flora MacKinnon,
Broadford Public School; 2 and 3 (equal), Christina
Fletcher, Broadford Public School, and Christina
D. MacKinnon, Portree Secondary School; 4 and 5
(equal), Ann M. MacLeod, Portree Secondary
School, and Chrissie M. MacDougall, Oban High
School; 6 and 7 (equal), Charles MacLean, Broad¬
ford Public School; Catherine MacLean, Portree
Secondary School; and Rachael MacDonald, Sir E.
Scott School, Harris.
Group C (1)—Pupils in Third and Fourth Years
Post-Qualifying Courses—1, Calum Iain N. Mac¬
Leod, Knockbain Public School; 2, Mary Mac¬
Dougall, Oban High School; 3, Euphemia Cameron,
Royal Academy, Inverness; 4, Katie MacLeod,
Royal Academy, Inverness; 5, Rebecca MacLeod,
Broadford Public School; 6, Aliena Robertson,
Tobermory H.G. School.
Group C (2)—Reproduction in Gaelic of Short
Story in English—1, Donald MacDonald, Fort-
William H.G. School; 2, Calum Iain N. MacLeod,
Knockbain Public School; 3, Cathie MacAulay,
Royal Academy, Inverness; 4, Katie MacLeod,
Royal Academy, Inverness; 5, Rebecca MacLeod,
Broadford Public School; 6, Donald Bain, Portree
Secondary School.