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An t-Og-mhios, 1940. AN GAIDHEAL. 133
It is with sincere regret we have to record
the death of the Rev. Hector Cameron, Moy.
Mr. Cameron’s health has been giving anxiety
to his friends for some time but they were
hopeful that years of life were still in store for
him. He was an ardent lover of Gaelic and an
active worker in its behalf. He spoke the
language eloquently and forcefully, and wrote
it with power and idiomatic purity. In his
student days at Glasgow he was actively
associated with Ceilidh nan Gaidheal and was
one of the leaders of Ceilidh nan Gaidheal
Obanach during his residence in that town.
He acted frequently as Gaelic adjudicator
at National and Provincial Mods, and it will
be remembered that he conducted with great
acceptance the Gaelic Service which closed
the proceedings of the last Inverness Mod. He
was for many years a member of An Comunn
Executive Council.
Mr. Cameron rendered his native Island a
notable service by editing that excellent
Collection of Gaelic verse, “ The Tiree Bards.”
He was himself no mean bard.
Mr. Cameron loved the Highlands and
Highlanders and was interested in all that tended
towards their material, moral, and spiritual
advancement. His friendly, kindly, and genial
presence will be much missed, and the deepest
sympathy is felt for his widow and family.
One of his sons, now on service, is an apprentice
in the office of An Comunn Treasurer.
The funeral took place at Pennyfuir, Oban,
on 11th May. At the service held in the Manse
of Moy the following members represented
An Comunn Gaidhealach:—Mr. Donald
MacDonald, Convener, Propaganda Committee;
Mr. Donald Graham, Convener, Northern Sub-
Committee, and Mr. Donald MacPhail, Northern
The appreciation of the King and Queen for
copies of the “Active Service” Testament sent
to their Majesties was expressed in a letter from
Buckingham Palace read lately at a meeting of
the National Bible Society of Scotland held in
Glasgow. The King and Queen, it was stated,
showed special interest in the Gaelic edition.
A supply of this “Active Service” pocket
edition of the Gaelic Testament has been sent
to all Highland units so that any man who
wishes it can have the Holy Scriptures in his
mother’s tongue.
As our readers know it is proposed to equip
two ambulances—one for the Expeditionary
Force and one for the Home Base—to be
known as An Comunn Gaidhealach Ambulances.
We now publish the first list of donations for
this object, and it is most encouraging to see
the response which members and friends have
given to this worthy enterprise. We trust
that members of An Comunn will bring this
before their friends as well as do all in their
power themselves to enable the Committee
to carry this purpose into effect as expeditiously
as possible.
The Central Committee met in the
Highlanders’ Institute on 2nd May. Mrs.
Bannerman, Convener, presided over a good
attendance of members. The Entertainments
Committee reported that the Magistrates had
granted permission to hold a Flag Day in Glas¬
gow in aid of the Comforts Fund, and it had
been decided to hold this Flag Day on 23rd
November, next. An appeal is made to all
Highlanders in the City to support this effort
and young women especially can help by
handing in their names as a large number of
collectors will be required.
It was also reported that the St. Andrew’s
Halls had been provisionally booked for Friday,
4th October, for a Grand Concert on similar
lines to the successful one held on 1st March.
Mrs. Bannerman gave in a report of the Work
done since last meeting and intimated that up
to the present 2,500 garments had been de¬
spatched. The Committee were very pleased
with the success of the Basket Whist Drive
which was held in the Highlanders’ Institute
on 25th April. There was an attendance of
300 people and Mr. J. M. Bannerman acted as
Cardmaster. Her Grace The Duchess of
Montrose presented the prizes to the winners
and the Gathering closed with a Ceilidh con¬
ducted by the Secretary.
The first list of donations to the Ambulance
Fund is given on another page and members
who have not yet subscribed are asked to send
in their contributions on as early a date as
possible as the need for Ambulances has now
become urgent.
The Committee records special thanks to the
Embo Feachd for its splendid donation of £19,
and to the Clydebank and District Highland
Association for a donation of £11 17s. 6d.