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^o6 Bibliotheca Facultatis Juridic^ Catalogus*
Spelman {Sir Henry.') Antiquity and
etymology of terms and times for ad-
miniftration of juftice in England.
Exji. in Hearne*s colledion of emi¬
nent antiquaries, 1)01. 2. pag. 331.
Spence [Rev. Jofeph,) A. M. ProfefTor of
poetry in the Univerfity of Oxford.
/ Polymetis; or, an inquiry concerning
the agreement between the works of
the Roman poets, and the remains of
the ancient artifts, being an attempt to
illurtrate them mutually from one a-
nother, in ten books. London 1747.
'- ^ infol. Vide Blacklock {Thomas.)
Spencer {Richard.) Vide Boffiiet [Ja-
ques Benigne.)
Spencerus [Joannes.,) Collegii Sionii a-
5- ^' pud Londinenfis Bibliothecarius.
KAiNA KAi nAAAiA, or Things new and
old. London 1658. in 4.
Spencerus [Joannes.,) D. D. et C. C.
Coll. Oxon. Praefeitus. Diflertatio
de Urim et Thummim. Exji. in U-
golini thefauro antiquitatum facrarum,
torn, 12. pag. 454. Vide Riboude-
aldus [Philippus.)
Differtatio defolutione primitiarum
atque decimarum. Ibid. torn. 20.
pag. 746.
Differtatio de proftffione decima-
rum. Ibid. pag. 782.
Differtatio de luftratlonibus et
purificationibus Hebraeorum. Ibid,
torn. 11.. P^^S' 95^* Vide, Maius
{Joannes Henr.)
. Differtatio de clrcumcifione. Ibid.
pag, 1032.
Differtatio de Tyriorum Gamma-
dim et Hammanim. Ibid. torn. 23.
pag. 750.
-Differtatio de Theocratia Judaica.
Ibid. mn. 24. pag.^ 2;
Differtatio de juramento per An-
chialum. Ibid. torn. 16, pag. 614.
-Differtatio de lege Tonfuram or
bicularem prohibente. Ibid, torn, 30.
pag, 1434.
-Ufus muficae in facris eelebrandis.
Ibid. torn. S2. pag, 556.
De faltandi ritu et ramorum cir-
cumgeftatione. Ibid, pag. 1134.
-De ritibus funeribus et fepulcrali-
bus veterum Hebraeorum. Ibid. torn.
S3, pag. 254.
Spener [Jacobus Carohts.) Notitia Ger-
maniae antiqiiae ab ortu reipublicae
ad regnorum Germanicorum in Ro-
manis provinciis ftabilimenta Ger-
maniae et Germanicarum civitatuin
ftatum et plene declarans; acceffit
confpedus Germaniae mediae qualis
faeculo VL poft Paulo fequentibus fae-
culis fuit. Francofurti et Lipftae
1746. in 4.
Spenfer {Edmund.)Yditne Queene in VL
books, with an exad collation of th
two original editions, publifhed b
himfelf at London in quarto; the
former containing the firft three
bookg» printed in 1590, and the lat¬
ter the fix books in 1596. To
which are now added, a new life of
the Author, by Thomas Birch, M.
A. and F. R. S. and alfo a gloffary ;
adorned with 32 copper-plates from
the original drawings of the late W.
Kent, Kfq; architect and principal
painter to his Majefty, 3 vol. Lon-'
don ij^i. in 4.
Booke fir 11 contayning the legende
of the knight of the red croffe; or of
Holinefs. Ibid.'vol. i. pag. i.
Booke fecond contayning the le¬
gende of Sir Guyon, or of Tempe¬
rance. Ibid. pag. 218.
Booke third contayning the Le¬
gende of Britomartis, or of Chaftitie.
Ibid. 'vol. 2. pag, i.
Booke fourth contayning the le¬
gende of Cambel and Telamond, or
of Friendfhip. Ibid. pag. 241.
Booke fifth contayning the legende
of Artegall, or of Juftiee. Ibid. 'voL
3-p^g' I.
Booke fixth contayning the le¬
gende of S. Calidore, or of Courtefie.
Ibid. p>ag. 203.
Two Cantos [viz. VL and VIL]
of Mutabilitie, which, both for form
and matter, appeare to be a parcell
of fome following booke of the'
Faerie Queene under the legende of

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