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Bibliothecde Facidtatis yuridica Catalogus, 507
Conflancle. [Flrft printed in the edi¬
tion at London 1609. in fol.^ Ibid.
P'^g' 399-
Remarks on Spenfer's poems.
London 1734. i« 8.
Sperlingius {Ottho.) Differtatio de num-
mis non cufis tarn veterum quam re-
centiorum. Ex^. in Ugolini thefauro
antiquitatum facrarum, tom. 2S. pag.
222. Vide Guperus [Gisbertus.)
Speufippus, Platonis difcipulus. Li¬
ber de Platonis definitionibus, Mar-
filio FIcino interprete. Exji. cum
Jamblicho de myfteriis, fol. 84.
Sphera mundi cum tribus commentis.
Vide Sacro-Bofco {Joanne! de.)
Spilberg [George.) Voyage to Magel-
lanica and Folynefia in the year 1614.
Ex/i. with Callander's collection of
voyages, vol. 2. pag. 191.
Spilckerus [Sebaft.) Vide Reichenus.
Spinellus [Matthaeus.) De Juvenatio E-
phemerides Neapolitanae, five diari-
um rerum geftarum in regno Neapo-
litano ab anno 1247, ufque ad 1268.
Italice. Acccdunt Latina interpreta-
tio et notae Dan. Papebrochii. ExJi.
inter Muratorii fcriptores rerum Ita-
licarum, torn. '^•pcig. 1055.
Spinola (C) Cardinale. Lettera a gli
y «y oriundi di Lucca ftantiati in Geneva
/ colle confiderationi fopr'ad effa fatte.
Geneva 1680. in 8.
Spira [Johannes de.) Tra6latus de efu
carnium monachorum infirmorum.
Exjl. in Pezii thefauro anecdotorum
noviff. torn. 2. part. 2. col. 569.
Spirenfis civitas. Chronica Praefulum
Spirenfis civitatis. Exjl. inter Eccardi
fcriptores medii aevi, torn. 2. pag.
——Catologus Epifcoporum Spirenfi-
um. Ibid. pag. 22']T^.
Spon [Baron de.) Capitulation de 1'
Empereur Charles VII. avec des re-
marques inftru£tives touchant I'etat
et le gouvernement aduel de I'Em-
pire, ainfi que fur les queftions du
droit public d'Allemagne les plus re-
marquables. A Francfort Jur le Meyn
1742. in 4.
SpoQ live Sponius [Jacobus.) Rei anti-
quariae quaeftiones fele£lae, in varias
diflertationes diftributae. ExJi. in Pol-
lini fupplementis thefauro antiquita-
tis, torn. 4. pag. 369.
-Mifcellanea eruditae antiquitatis.
Ibid. col. 633.
-Hiftoire de Geneve, redlfiee et
augmentee par d'amples notes ; avec
les ades et autres pieces fervant de
preuves a cette hiftoire, 2 torn. A Ge^
neve 1730. in 4. r~^ -^ ^ ^ P
[et George Wheler.] Voyage A'li^ J^k^TZ^ CP-^^^-
talie, de Dalmatie, de Grece, et du
Levant fait aux annees 1675 et 1676,
3 torn. Lyon 1678. in 12.
Spotifwood [John^) Advocate. Account
of all the religious houfes that were
in Scotland at the time of the refor¬
mation. Exjl, with his edition of
Hope's minor pradicks, pag. 411.
And in Keith's catalogue of Bi-
fhops,/)^^. 235. Vide Hope {Sir Tho"
mas.) Mackenzie [James.)
Spotifwood [John^) Archbifliop of St
Andrew's. Church hiftory of Scot¬
land, the latter part written by his
own handy MS. infoL Vide Middle-
ton [Thomas.)
Spotifwood [Sir Robert^) Prefident of
the Seffion. Pradicks in the Scottilh
law digefted in an alphabetical order.
To which are fubjoined copies of di¬
vers papers relating to the furrenders
of teinds, the conflitution and pro¬
ceedings of the Lords commiffioners
thereon, in the time of King Charles
L MS. in fol.
Spranger [John.) Plan forcleanfing andiKi>*f.
lighting the ftreets in the city and li¬
berty of Weftminfler. London I y^6,
in 8.
Spra.t [Thomas,] Bifhop of Rochefter./^ ^ ^ f
Letters to the Earl of Dorfet, con¬
cerning his fitting in the late eccle-
fiaftical commiffion; together with
anonymous anfwers. London 1688.
in 4.
Sermon preached before the King
at Whitehall, December 22. 1678.
London 1678. ?« 4.
Sermon preached before the ho¬

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