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Bibliothec^ Facultatis yuridica Catalogiis, 505
the divine providence over it in a
particular manner afferted. Ih'id. [Mr
Saunders is the reputed author.]
Soufa i^Lopez de.) Vide Lopez.
South [Simon.) Difcourfe of church
power, in whom it refides. London
1685. in 8.
Southampton Caftrum. Libertates ca-
ftri Southampton. Exjl. in Hbro ni-
gro Scaccarii, njol. 1. pag. 806.
Southampton, town of. Southampton
guide, or an account of the ancient
and prefent ftate of thattov^n, its for¬
tifications, charitable foundations,
churches, and fchools, trade, govern¬
ment, fairs, mercats, play-houfe, af-
fembly-rooms, gentlemens feats in
its environs, remarkable profpedls,
baths, &c. to which is added a de¬
fer iption of the mod remarkable re¬
mains of antiquity to be met with in
this neighbourhood; alfo the ifle of
Wight,Lymington, Lyndhurft, Rom-
fey, Redbridge, Millbrook, Tich-
field, &c. London 1774. in 8.
JSozom.enus Prefbyt. Piftorienfis. Spe¬
cimen hiftoriae ab anno Chrifti 1362,
ufque ad 1410. Exjl. inter Murato-
rii fcriptores rerum Italicarum, torn,
lb. pag. io57._
Spalatinus(G£'o;"^z«j',) Hiftoricus Saxonl-
cus. Chronicon, five annales a menfe
Auguftoanni 1513,ufqueadfinemfere
anni 1526. Exfi. inter Menckenii fcrip¬
tores rerum Germanicarum, torn. 2.
foL 589.
-Vitae aliquot Ele£torum et Ducum
Saxoniae inde a Friderlco I. ufque ad
Jo. Fridericura an. 1527,fcriptae, Ibid.
jol. 1067,
■ Differtatio genealog. hiflorica de
libris Alberti Ducis Saxoniae. Ibid-
fol. 2.12'^,. FifJ^ Caroloftadius.
Spanheim [Ezekiel.) Vide Julianus
Spanhemius (Fridericus.) Laudatio fu-
I, nebris fereniffimae ac potentiffimae
Mariae II. Mag. Brit. Franc, et Hi-
bern. Reginae fandiffimae memoriae.
Lugduni Batavonim 1695. in Jo I.
Spaniih Armada. Vide Pine [John.)
Part. II.
/// A
Sparke [Jojephus.) Hiftoriae Coenobii
Burgenfis fcriptores varii. Londini
1723. in/ol.
Sparkes [Michael.) Hiftorical narration
of the firft fourteen years of King
James I. London 1651. in 4.
Specialis [Nicolaus,) Prorex Siclliae.
Hiftoria Sicula, ab anno 1282, ufque
ad annum 1337. Cura et ftudio Ste-
phani Baluzii. Exji, inter Muratorii
fcriptores rerum Italicarum, torn. 10.
pag. 913. ^ ^
Specimen variae literaturae, quae in ur- r
be Brixia ej ufque ditione paulo poll *
typographiae incunabula florebat.
Unde praeter Brixiani ingenii glori-
am, tam annalium typographicorum
feries, quam hiftoria literaria tempo-
ris illius, quo bonarum artium renata
funt ftudia, illuftrantur, 2 part, i
tom. Brixiae 1739. i« 4.
Spedator. The Spedator, 8 vol. [pu- r'A^—i ^ /
blifhed by Sir Richard Steel.] Lon~ Cl!^'
don 1757. in 8.
Female Spectator, 4 vol. London ^. /. //
1745. in 8. ^
Speculum Suevicum. Vide Jus provin-
ciale Alemannicurti.
Speeches, arguments and determinations *
of the Court of Seflion in Scotland
upon the caufe betwixt his Grace the
Duke of Hamilton and others pur-
fuers, and Archibald Douglas, Efq;
defender, with an introductory pre¬
face giving an account of the fuit.
London 1767. in 8. Vide Anderfoii
[IVil/iam.) / / // ;7
Speed [Adam.) Adam out of Eden, ot^/^^^'
ari abftradl of divers excellent expe¬
riments touching the advancement of
hufbandry. London 1629. in 12.
Hufbandman, farmer, and grafier's
compleat inftrudtor. London 1697.
in 12.
Speer {'Jofeph Smith.) Weft-India Pi¬
lot. London 1766. injbl.
Speerman [Richard.) An inquiry after
^ philofophy and theology, tending to
ihow when and whence mankind
came at the knowledge of thefe two im¬
portant points. Edinburgh 1755. in 8,
6 M Spelman

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