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Bibliothecie Facultatis Juridic^e Catalogus. 62j
7 ^ • X-/iy vAi^yJ^M qjari.J Dillercationum trias : i.
De principe legibus foluto. 2.
De condidione triticiaria. 3.
De pa<5tis nudis. Traje^i ad Rhenum 1730.
in 8.
Wadlvvorth (James.) The European Mer¬
cury, defcribing the highwayes and llages
thro' the moil remarkable parts of Chri-
ftendom: tranllated from the Italian. Lond.
1641. in 11.
— Letters which pafled between Spain and
England, in matter of religion, concerning
the general motives to the Roman obe¬
dience j between him and Bp. Bedel. Exjt.
^ with Burnet's life of Bp. Bedel.
C'/^/ T' 3% Waechtlerus (Chnjifricdiis.) Opufcula juri-
JWl^' //? dico-philologica rariora. -Trajc^i ad Rben.
^ ni — Notae ad Geratdi Noodt probabilia juris.
'' Wittenherga 1681, in 8.
- De vetere jure enucleahdo, ad Nicetam
Spilium diafpafma. Jrgentorati 1684. m 11.
Wafer (Lionel.) Voyage and defcription of
the ifthmus of America. Lond. 1699. in 8.
Wagenar (Lucas Johannis^) Latine Auriga-
rius. Speculum nauticum fuper navigatione
maris occidentalis. Lugd. Bat. 1586. in fol.
Wagener (Zachary.) Voyage into China.
ExJi. in Churchill's colledKon of voyages,
'Vol. 2,
Wagenfeilius (Joan. CbriJIopborus.J Sota:
h. e. liber Mifhnicus de uxore adulterii
fufpe6la, una cum libri En Jacob excer-
- J?JT ptisGemarse, verfione Latina & commen-
tario perpetuo illuftrata. Accedunt corre-
^iones Lipmannianje. Jlltdorfii 16y^. in 4.
^ j- y —■ Exercitationes vi. varii argumenti. Alt'
' dorfii 1687. in/^.
Diflertatio de Joanna Papiffa. Accedunt
argumenta potiora quas contra hiftoriam
de Joanna Papifla afferri folent. ExJi. in¬
ter Schelhornii amoenitates literarias, torn.
I. pag. 142. 195.
Wagnereck (Henricus.) Commehtarius exe-
.©-,-3—25-. geticus facrorum canonum ; feu expolitio
/ omnium Decretalium, Extravagantium
/Z /'/^. Joannis XX. & communium, atque et-
iam concordatorum Germanise, & prima-
riarum precum fuo loco infertarum. Di-
linga 1672. in fol.
/ c) Wagnerus (Chriji.) & Jo. Gotlieb AbefTer.
(^ / Diflertatio de Ur Chaldgeorum, ad Gen.
xi. 23. E.xfi. in Menthenii thefauro dif-
fert. ad vet. Tell. pag. 173.
^ Wagftaff ('Jo/j'w.^ The queftion of witch-
(^.Cj\(2- craft debated; or, A difcourfe againft
their opinion that affirm Witches.
1669. ^^^ 8.
V^^agftaff' (Simon,) ^ i. e. Jonathan Swift.
Complete coUedion of genteel and inge¬
nious converfation, according to the mofl
polite mode and method now ufed at
court, and in the bell companies of Eng¬
land. Lond. 173S. in 8.
W^agftafte (■rhomas.) Vindication of King
Charles I. proving that his Majelty was
the author of Eu«;' Baa/A/Kjj. Lond. lyii.
in 4.
Wake (Ifaaats.) Rex Platonicus: five de
Jacobi Britanniarum Regis ad academiani
Oxonienfem adventu, ann, 1605. Oi^onitS
1615. ^'^ 12.
— Oratio funebris in obitum To. Rainoldi.
Ibid. •'
V^ake (William) Archbifhop of Canterbury.
Sermons on leveral occalions: vol. 2 & 3,
Lond. 1722. in 8.
— Difcourfe of the holy Eucharift, in the
two great points of the real prefence and
the adoration of the Hofl. E.xjl. Prote-
llants againll Papifts, n)ol. 6. mm. 2. Lond.
1687. tn 4.
— Two difcourfes, of Purgatory and pray¬
ers for the dead. Ibid. ml. 13. num. 6,
\ Lond. 1687. in 4.
—_ Expofition of the dodrine of the Catho-
lick Church in the feveral articles propo-
fed by Mr. deMeaux, in his expofition of
the dodrine of the Catholick Church.
Ibid. 'vol. 16. mm. 2. Lond. 1686. /« 4.
Defence of the Expofition, &c. againft
the exceptions of Mr. de Meaux and his
vindicator. Ibid, mim.4. Lond. 1686. in 4,
-— Second defence of the fame. Ibid, 'vol. 27.
num. 1. Lond. 1687. in 4.
— State of the Church and clergy of Eng¬
land. Lond. 1703. in 8.
— The genuine epillles of the Apoflolical
Fathers, tranflated into Englilh. Lond.
1719. /« 8.
Walaeus (Jntonius.) Vita ejus. Exjl. in vi-
tis feledorum virorum Batefii, pag. 600.
Walafridus Strabo, ieu Strabus, Augienfis
Abbas. De exordio & incrementis reruni
eccleliaflicarum. ExJi. in biblioth. PP.
Lugd. torn. 15. pag. 181.
— Poemata. Ibid. pag. 202.
— Eadem. Exjl. in antiquisledlonibusCa-*
nifii, torn. 2. part. 2. pag. 176.
— De fubverlione Hierufalem tradlatus.
Ibid. pag. iy^.
— Vita S. Galli Abbatis & Confeflbris. Exjf,
in Meffinghami fiorilegio, pag. 255.
7 T 2 _ vira
Afi. S' 9
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