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^326 Bibliotheae Facultatis Juridic^ Catalogus,
V u
A body of Divinity, or tbe funi and
fubftance of Chriftian religion, catechifti-
cally propounded and explained by way
of queftion and anfwer. Lond, 1647. infol.
- Immanuel: or, The myftery of the in¬
carnation of the Son of God unfolded.
- XVIII. fermons preach'd in Oxford,
1640. of converfion, redemption andju-
ftification. Lond. 1660. in 4.
•^— The power communicated by God to
tg^''>!^' /<5?' dP'^*S the Prince, and the obedience required of
^' the fubjed, briefly laid down and con-
^•7 firmed out of the holy Scriptures, &c.
Lond. 1688. in 8.
Ivi 7 /^-
4— His judgement; i. Of the extent of
Chrifi:*s death and fatisfaftion. 1. Of the
Sabbath and obfervation of the Lord's
day. 3. Of the ordination of the re¬
formed Churches: with a vindication of
, him by Nicholas Bernard. Lond. 1658.
in 8.
-— The reduftion of Epifcopacy unto the
form of fynodical government received in
the ancient Church: propoied in the year
1641. Ibid.
-ft^^ 'T' ^A. * *— Idem, nempe de redu6lIone epifcopatus
/ ad formam regiminis fynodici in antiqua
ecclefia recepti, Latine, cum notis Jo.
Hoornbeck. UltrajeBi 1661. in^,
*— Hisjudgement^f Babylon,(Rev.xviii. 4.)
being the prefent See of-Rome. Lond.
1659. ^^ 8*
-— His life, with a colleftion of 300 letters
between him and eminent perfbns for pie¬
ty and learning: colleded and publilhed
from the originals by Rich. Parr. Lond.
1686. infol.
—— Vita ejus ex Nic. Bernardi aliorumque
fcriptis. Exjl. in Batefii vitis feledtorum
virorum, pag. 734.
•— Vita, fcriptore Tho. Smitho. Exjl. in
Smithi vitis doftiff virorum, pag. 3.
Utrecht. Vide Ultrajeftum.
— Ades, memoires, & autres pieces au-
thentiques concernant la paix d'Utrecht:
4 tom. Utrecht 1714. in 12.
tJtretchtfche confultatien. Utrecht 16"/1. in^.
/ j^ Vulcanius (Bonaventura.) Gothicarum &
Langobardicarum rerum fcriptores aliquot
veteres, cum notis & variis le6lionibus.
Item commentarius in literas Gothicas.
Lttgduni Eat. 1617. in 8.
— Epiftolae ii. ad Geo. Doufam. Exji. in
Gronovii thefauro antiqq. Graec. tom. 6.
col. 3385.
r 4 z^
VtilcatiusGallicanus. Vita Avidii Caffii. Ex/.
in corpore hiftorise Romanse, tom. 2.^ pag.
'— Et inter hiftorise Augult* fcriptores.
Vulpa (Jo. Jntonius.J Carmina. Ex/. '^^cjQ.f^l'i
deliciis poetarum Italorum, tom. 1. pag.
Vulpellus COSiamantis.) De fide, treuga &
pace. Exjl. Tr. Tr. tom. 11. part. i. foL
"VxA^mms (Joannes Baptijla.) Succus ex o- /^. /. /^
pere criminal! Profperi Farinacii extradus. >^ 9 //T
Ltigduni 1663. infol. ^'-^/O
yv\^\m(Hieronymus.) Carmina. Exjt. in
deliciis poetarum Italorum, tom. 1. pag>
Vullon (Marc de.J^ Recueil de plufieurs pie¬
ces & figures d'armoiries, obmifes par les
autheurs qui ont efcrit julques icy de cette
fcience : Avec un dilcours des principes
& fondemens du blafon, & une nouvelle
niethode de cognoiftre les meteaux &
couleurs fur le taille-douce. Paris 1639.
— La fcience heroique, traitant de la No- . jf. 2
blefle, de I'origine des armes, de leurs bla- '
fons, &c. Paris 1644. ^fffol'
Vulteius (Hermannns.) Confilia five refpon- ^ ?./!}
fa Dodtorum & Profeflbrum facultatis ju- ;g j; _±
ridicse in academia Marpurgenfi: 3 torn. r^~] i^^ ;
I vol. Marpurgi Cattorum 1606. infol. '—^?vl^f '
— Eadem, alio tomo audta : 4 tom. 3 vol.-^:^^=^
Francofurti 165a. infol. 1[XJ.^'^-^
— Ad titulos Codicis qui funt dejurifcii- fi S-^S^^
ftione & foro competenti commentarius. j
Francofurti 1599. in 8. i
— JurifprudentiaRomanadJuftinianocom- f ^ ty
polita, libris ii. Marpurgi f,Mttnrum 16^. ' ' ' *-
in%. ' i^f
— Eadem. Acceflit tabula methodica jurif- j j jjf
prudentise Romanae. Hanovia 1652. in^. '
— Eadem contracla, opera Arnoldi Corvini.
jimfi. 1658. in 11.
— De feudis eorundemque jure libri duo. j J. IS-
Acceflit ejufdem exegelis feudalis. Fran-
cofurti 1629. in 8.
— Tradtatus de judiciis, libris iv. Cajfellis[\ i, JA
1654. in /\,. ^ ' *'^'
Ynheius (Joannes.J Carmina. Ex/, in deli"/j^'.o.'3'J
ciis poetarum Gallorum, to^n. 3. pag. 1131.
Vytenbogardus (Joannes.) Epiltolge. Ex/,
in epiftolis Remonflrantium Limborchi.
Uziel (Jacobo.) David: poema heroico, c^nr// q oJ
tos xii. Venetia 1625. in%. - - "r

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