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628 Bibliothecce Facultatis Juridic^e Catalogus.
/^/f. f.iy
O/ /^,
9, i\ .
»^—VitaS.Blaichmaicmartyris. Ibid.fag.'^()(^.
Walchius (Jo. Georgius.) Hiftoria critica
Latinae linguae. Lipfti£ 1716. in 8.
(^rTi9^~^'— Diatribe philofophica de literis humahi-
' oribus. Ibid. pag. 513.
- Commentatio de concilio Lateranenfi a
Benedido XIII. celebrate. Lipjia 1727.
in 8.
Waldeccenfium Comitum chronologia bre-
vis. Esjl. in monumentis Hahnii, torn. i.
/ ^ Waldenfels (Chrijioph. Philippus de.) Sele¬
ct * vy ctae antiquitatis libri xii.-de geltis primas-
vis, item de origine gentium, nationum-
que migrationibus. Norimherga 1677. ^^4*
Waldenfes Fratres. Confeffio fidei Uladiflao
Regi ad Hungariam mifla. "Kaji. in fafci-
culo Gratii, torn. i. pag. i6a.
- Excufatio fratrum Waldenfium contra
binas literas Do6loris Auguftini, datas ad
Regem. Ihid. pag. 17a.
— Utrumque opufculum. "Enfi. inter Lydii
' -> /^ '^/i Waldenlia, tom.i. part. 2. pag.i. c^ ^4.
/^1' '^7'— Apologia verae dodrinae eorum, oblata
// / *^ GeorgioMarchionlBrandeburg. An. 1532.
au6U & recognita. Ibid. pag. 92.
■— Methodus quam obfervant in eligendis,
ordinandis & confirmandis fuis miniftris.
£x/?. cum Camerario de eorum ecclefiis,
pag. ii2>
i— Epiftola de cantionibus in eorum eccle¬
fiis ufitatis. Ibid. pag. 286.
Ql.J. ^ Waldrammus Decanus. Carmina. Ex/?, in
antiquis Icdionibus Canifii, torn. 2. part. 3.
pag. 204. ^c. •*
•— Eadem & alia quasdam. "Exji. in bibl.
PP. Lugd. torn. 16. pag. 1304. Stom.iy.
CT' /•/^- '^^^~^^4'-l^ Waldungus(Wolfgangus.) Lagographia: de
/n natura leporum liber. Amberga 161 p. /« 4.
CP ^L^^/^ Walker (^G6^r/«.^ Authentick memoirs of
/ "^ ^^ the life, intrigues and adventures of Sally
--, , ^ ^ Salisbury. Lend. lyi^. in S.
L^l U? ' t? Walker {Clement^ under the name of Theo-
^—-^ philus Verax. Relations and obfervations
hiftorical and politick upon the Parliament
1640: in 2 books, i. The myftery of the
two Juntos, Presbyterian and Independ¬
ent. 2. The hiftory of Independency.
Lond. 1648. in 4.
«— Appendix to the hiftory of Independen¬
cy^ being a brief defcription of fome few
of Argyle's proceedings*: with a parallel
betwixt him and Cromwell. Lond. 1648.
in 4.
•— Eadem hiftoria Independentiae, Latine,
j^ex Anglico libro abbreviata.] Exji. in
Caroli Regis innocentia.
9]f. f
— Jnarchia AngUcaiia^ or, The hii^ory oUjilS.^
Independency, part 2. Lend: 164^. in 4, ^
— Third part j or, The high Court ofj^-fr}/: /r
ftice, or Cromwell's new flaughter-houfi^a ^' ^
in England, with the authority that con-
ftituted and ordained it, arraigned, con-
vi(5ted and condemned, for ufurpation,
treafon, tyranny, theft and murther. Lond.
1651. in'4.
— The compleat hiflory of Independency, Xi^^
from 1640 to 1660. containing the faid
three parts and a fourth part never before
publilhed. Lond. 1661. in 4.
Walker (Sir Edward.J Hiftorical dilcourfes
upon feveral occafions, [chiefly relating^ ^'//^
to tranfaclions during the grand rebellion.]'/
Lond. 1705. ittfol.
— Journal of feveral aftions performed in/Z/,^-^. /^
Scotland after K. Charles II. his arrival
there in the year 1650. MS. in 4.
Walker (George.) Account of the fiege oi^-^^
London-Derry. Edinb. i68p. in%. /
^2]ktT (John.) Attempt towards recover-^n
ing an account ot the numbers and fufter- ^^'^ ^
'2 30
ings of the clergy of the Church of Eng¬
land, heads of colleges, &:c. who wer^
fequefter'd, harafs'd, &c. in the times of
the grand rebellion. Lond. 1714. in foL
Walker (Obadiab.) The Greek and Roman
hiftory illuftrated by coins and medals.
Lond. 1692. in 8.
"W&lkex (Samuel) Reformation of manners _ /Z-
promoted by argument, in feveral ciY&^s.^^&Xl^-^-^
Lond. 1711. /'» 8. Vj
Walker ( ) Compendious difcourfe
on the Eucharift : with two appendixes.
Oxford 1688. in 4.
Wall (WtWam.) Hiftory of Infant-Baptifm :#-f^
2 parts. Lond. 1707. in 4. fCfc- /. %. C^^^^^j^^ .
— Critical notes, efpecially on the various>ty<»y.^I^
readings of the new Teftament books:
with a preface concerning the texts cited/^^j^?;^-
therein from the old Teftament; asalfo^, ^ if
concerning the ufe of the LXXII. tranfla- ^^•^■'^'
tion. Lond. 1730. /'« 8.
—■ Critical notes on the old Teftament r-^ty^.^^^.
2 vol. Lond. 1734. in 8. £t,J^l4 . «2^^^^^_^g'^.
Wallace (^J<^;«ej.^ Defcription of the ifles.^-^.^^
of Orkney: to which is added, an eflay"^ -/^t/
concerning the Thule of the ancients.
Lond. 1693. in 8.
— The fame, publiflied by Ja. Wallace \i\skici j Q, 2>.
fon, with fome additions. Lond. 1700. in 8.
Wallace (Sir Thomas.) Repertory; or, a/f. 3,j?/9
coUeftion of decifions of the Lords of
Council and Seffion, digefted under proper
heads in the alphabetical order. MS. infoL

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