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Adoquiér, Adoquiéra, adv. where you please
Adoquín, sm. long stone to bind the pavements
Ador, sm. distribution of water to irrisate land
Adorable, adj. adorable; excellent; oeautiful
Adoración, sf. adoration; worship: homase
Adorador, -a, stnf adorer; worshipper; admirer
Adorar, va. 1. to aiore; revere; love excessively
Adoratório, sm. temple of idols (m America)
A<lormecedór, -a, adj. soporiferous; eausmgr sleep
Adormecer, va. 2. to cause sleep; calm; mitisate
Adormecerse, vref. to fall asleep; be benumbed
Adormecido, -a, á. sleepy; drowsy; numb; stupid
Adormecimiento, sm. sleepiness; drowsiness
Adormidera, sf. poppy; (soporiferous plant)
Adormitarse, vref. 1. to doze; be half asleep
Adornado, -a, adj. adorned; ornamented; set off
Adornadór, -a, smf. beautifier; embellisher
Adornar. tia. 1. toadom;grace;fitup;accomplish
Adornista, sm. pamter of ornaments
Adorno, sin. ornament; decoration; furniture
Adquiridor, -a, smf. acquirer; purchaser; gainer
Adquirir, va. ó. to acquire; gam; piocure; obtam
Adquisición, sf. acquisition; gain; purchase
Adquisito, -a, adj. acquired; gained; obtained
A'dra, sf. turn; change; succession; alternacy
Adragante, (goma,) sf. gum tragacanth
Adrales, sm. plur. hurdles; sides; racks of carts
Adrede, Adredemente, ad. purposely; knowingly
Adrizar un navio, va. 1. to right a ship
Adrubádo, -a, adj. gibbous; convex; protuberant
Aúscribir, va. to appoint to a place, employment
Aduana, sf. custom house; tax; impost; bad house
Aduanas, (pasar por-tódas las,* to be tried closely
Aduanar, va. 1. to pay duty at the custom-house
Aduanero, sin. custom-house-officer; exciseman
Aduar, «m. horde; ambulatory crew; gypsies' tent
Adúcar, sm. coarse sort of siik-stuff, once worn
Aducir, va. I. to conduct; lead: bring; carry
Aductor, sm. abductor; adducent; muscles
Aduendado, -a, a. restmbling a ghost : like a ghost
Adutazo, sm. blow with a timbrel, tambarine
Adufe, sm. timbrel; tambarine; small drum
Aduf'éro, -a. smf. tnnbrel, tarabarme-player
Adujadas, Adujas, sf. pi. coil; coiled cable, rope
Adujar, va. 1 . to coil a cable; wmd up mto a ting
Adula, sf. land with no particular irrigation
Adulación, sf. adulation; flattery; cringing
Adulador, -a, smf. flatterer; wheedler; cajoler
Adular, va. 1. to flatter; extol; wheedle; cringe
Adiilatório. -a, a. adulatory ; flattering; fawning
Aduleá.r,ti«. 1. to bawl; hoot; cry out; shout
Adulero, sm. herd: keeper, driver of horses
Adúltera, sf adulteress; perfidious woman
Adulteración, s/. adulteration: spurious mixture
Adulterado, -a, a ij. adulterate; not genuine
Adulterador, -sl, smf adulterator; sophisticator
Adulterar, ra. I. to adulterate; commitadultery
Adulterinamente, adv. in an adulterous manner
Adulterino, -a, adj. adulterous; adulterated
Adulterio, sm. adultery; unfaithfulness; breach
Adúltero, sm. adulterer; perfidious husband
Adulto, -a, adj. adult; arrived at muturity
Adulzar, ra. 1. to sweeten; soften; render "ductile
Adumbración, */. adumbration; faint sketch
Adunacion, sf union; jiining; adunation
!; link
Adur, Adúrn, ladv. scarcely; hardly
Adúras, ) trouole;no sooner tlian; as soon as
Adustible, adj. adustihle; inflammable
Adustión, sf. adustion;burning heat; burning up
Adustivo, -a. adj that has the power of burning
Adusto, -a, adj. adust; burnt up; scorched
Advéna, sm. foreigner; stranger; unknown
Advenedizu, -a. a. foreign; denizened; converted
Advenuniénto, sm. coming; arrival; advent
Adventája, sf. jewel, &c. out of the inheritaru^
Adventicio, -a, a. adventitious; got by industry
Adverbial, adi. adverbial; in the form of adverb
Adverbialraénte, ad. in the manner of an adverb
Adverbio, sm. adverb; ^qualifying word)
Adversamente, adv. adver>elv; uiifortimalely
Adversario, im. adversary: common-place book
Adversativo, -a, adj adversative: restrictive
Adversidad, sf. adversity; affliction : distress
Adverso, -a, adj. adverse; contrarj': calamitous
Advertencia, sf. advertence: attention, regard to
Advertidami-nte, adv. advisedly; deliberately
Advertido, -a, a Ij- observed:skilful;circumspect
Advertimiento, sm. infonnation; attention to
Advertir, va. 3. to advert; advise; perceive; note
Adviento, sm. advent; time of devotion
Advocación, sf. nomination; office of pleading
Advocatório, -a, adj. calling together an assembly
Advocatória (carta) letter of convocation
Adyacente, auj. adjacent; lying close: contiguous
Adyutorio, sm. aid; help; support; assistance
Aechadéro, sm. place for the wiimowing of grains
Aechadór, -a, S7nf. winnower; sifter (of grains)
Aechaduras, sf. plur. chafi"; husks; refuse of com
Aechar, va. 1. to winnow, sift, separate (grain)
Aecho, stn. winnowing; sifting: cleansing
Aéreo, -a, adj. aerial: consisting of air; fanciful
Aeriforme, adj. formed of air; consisting of air
Aerografia, sf. aerography; theoi-y of the air
Aerología, sf. aerology; doctrine of the air
Aerománcia, sf. aeromancy; divination by the air
Aeromántico, sm. diviner by aeromancy
Aerometria, aerometry; art of weighing the air
Aerómetro, s. aerometer(instrument to weigh air)
Aeronauta, sm. aeronaut; sailor through the air
Aeroscópia, sf. aeroscopy; observation of the air
Aerostación, sf. aerostation; science of the air
Aerostático, -a, adj. aerostatic; of tlving machines
Afabilidad, sf. affabiliti
Afable, adj. affable; c
Afablemente, adv. affably:
Afáca, sf. yellow vetch (sort of plant)
Afagásmo, sm. sort of tax, duty, impost; excise
Afamado. -a,a. famed; celebrated; noted; hungry
Afán, sm. anxiety; worldly eagerness; fatigue
Afanadamente, adv. anxiously; with toil, labour
Afanador, -a, s. eager pursuer of riches; labourer
Afanar, on. Afanarse, ref. to toil; labour; work
Afanoso, -a, adj. anxious; solicitous; laborious
Afascalár, va. 1. to stack; pile, heap up ricks of
Afeadór, -a. smf. one that deforms, disfigures
Afeamiénio, s. deformation; ugliness: calumny
Afear, va 1. to deform; find fault with; censure
Afección, sf. afTeetion; properly; advowson
Afectación, sf affectation; conceit; pretension
Afectadamente, adv. affectedly; formally
Afectado, -a, adj. affected; conceited; formal
Afectador, -a,s. affected, conceited man, woman
Afectar, va. 1. to affect; feign; unite livings
Afectillo, sm. dimin slight affection, love
Afectivo, -a, adj. affective; from affection, p.iin
Afecto, sm affection; passion; sensation; pain
Afectos desordenados, m. pi. inordinate desires
Afecto, -a, adj. affectionate; reserved; subject
Afectuosamente, adv affectionately; fondly
Afectuoso, -a, adj. affectionate; fond; tender
Afeitador, -a, sf. hair-dresser: decorator; decker
Afeitar, «a. 1. to shave; set off; clip; cut; trim
Afeitarse, vref. to rouge; paint one's face
Afeite, sm. paint; colours laid on the fact
Afelio, aphelion, ircmotest point from tt
Afelpado, -a, adj. rugged; hairy; rough; shaggy
Afelpados, (palletes,) sm. plur. cased mats
ce; rouge
the sun)

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