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Adefuéras, 5A plur. buildings close to the town
Adehala, if. gratuity; gift (above the fixed price)
Adehesado, tin. ground converted into pasture
Adehesamiénto, rm. converting into pasture
Ailehesár, va. 1. to convert into pasture-ground
Adelantadamente, adv. beforehand; previously
Adelantadillo, sm. red wine (of the first grapes)
Adelantado, im. title of the governor of a province
Adelantado, -a, adj. anticipated; prevented
Adelantadór, -a, sm/. forwarder; preventer
Adelantar, va. 1 to advance; anticipate; improve
Adelantar, push forward;get a-head; win the race
Adelantarse, vret. to take the lead ; forerun ; excel
Adelante, adv. farther off; higher up; forward
Adelante (en) henceforth; in future; forward
Adelfa, ft/, rose-bay; rose- laurel (evergreen tree)
Adelfal, sm. plantation, grove of rose-bay trees
Adelgazado, -a, a. made thin; slender; attenuate
Adelgazadór, -a, smf. that makes thm; slender
Adelgazamiento, tin. attenuation; making thin
Adelgazar, va. 1. to make thin; lessen; refine
Adelgazarse, vref. to become thin; slender
Adema, »/. timber securmg the sides of mines
Ademador, sm. miner boarding the sides of mines
Ademan, tm. motion expressive of; look; attitude
Ademán (en) in the attitude of doing (something)
Ademar, va. 1. to board the sides of mires
Además, adv. moreover; besides; likewise; also
Adenográfia, sf. adenography; treatise on glands
Adenologia, sf. adenology; description of glands
Adénos, sm sort of cotton (coming from Aleppo)
Adenóso, -a, adj. glandulous; subsisting in glands
Adentellar, va. 1. to bite; catch with the teeth
Adentellar una pared, to in lent a wall
Adentro, adv. within; inwardly; internally
Adentro (de botones) adv. exprés, in my heart
Adentro (ser muy de) to be intimate in a house
Aderezar, Pa. 1. to adorn; prepare; clean;dispose
Aderezar la comida, to cook; dress victuals
Aderezo, tm. adorning; dressing; gum; starch
Aderezo de mesa, service for the table (oil. &c.)
Aderezo de diamantes, set of diamonds, jewels
Aderezo de caballo, caparisons of a saddle-horse
Aderezo de casa, furniture; moveables of a house
Aderezo de espada, hilt, &c ; ornaments of a sword
Adérra, sf. sedge-rope (to press husks of grapes)
Adeshóra, ad», unseasonably; not in proper time
Adestrado, -a, ad;', instructed; on the dexter side
Adestradór, -a, sm/. instructor; teacher; critic
Adestrar, tía 1. to guide; teach; perform skilfully
AJestrárse, vref. to practise; exercise one's self
Adeudado, -a, adj. indebted; under obligation
Adeudar, va. 1. to pay duty; contract debts; owe
Adeudarse, vref. to be indebted; run into debts
Adevinár, va. 1. to foretell; guess; unriddle
Adherencia, sf. adherence; alliance; adhesion
Adherénte, adj. adherent: attached; united with
Adherénte, sm. adherent; follower; partisan
Adheréntes, sm. plur. ingredients; tools
Adherir, va. 3. to adhere; remain firmly fixed to
Adhesión, sf. adhesion; acquiescence; consent
Adiado, -&,adj. fixed; appointed; agreed upon
Adiado (al dia) on the day appointed, agreed upon
Adiamantado, -a, adamantean; haid as adamant
Adición, sf. addition; note put to accounts; rule
Adición de la herencia, acceptance of a heritage
Adiciunadór,-a,m/'. increaser: maker of additions
Adicionar, va. 1. to make additions; add up
Adieto, -a, adj. addicted; inclined; devoted to
Adieso, adv. immediately; instantly
Adiestrar, va. I. to guide; instruct: do skilfully
Adietar, va. 1. to diet; prescribe a regimen, diet
Adinas, sf. glanders i^ under the ears of horses)
Adinerado, -a, ad), rich; opulent: wealthy
Adintelado, from an arch inagradual rightliue
Adiposo, -a, aiij. adipous; fat; fleshy; plump
Aditamento, sm. additament; addition; increase
Adiva, sf. Adive, m. jackal (animal like a pointer)
Adivas, sf. swellings under the ears of horses
Adivinación, sf. divination; prediction; prophecy
Adivinado, -a, ad;, foretold; conjectured
Adivinador, -a, jot/, diviner; soothsayer; guesser
Adivinamiento, jin. foretelling; prediction; guess
Adivinanza, tf enigma; riddle; divination
Adivinar, va. 1. to foretell; guess; unriddle
Adivino, -a, sn\f. divmer; soothsayer; foreboder
Adjetivación, sf. adjection; uniting; concord
Adjetivar, t-a. I. to adject; make agree together
Adjetivo, sm. adjective (word added to a noun)
Adjudicación,»/, adjudication; award; grant
Adjudicar, va. 1. to adjudge; award; decree
Adjudicarse, vref to appropriate to one's self
Adjunta, sf. letter enclosed in .-mother
Adjunto, -a, ati). united; annexed; joined
Adjunto, tm. adjective; additament; addition
Adjuntos, im. plur body of judges (to trv acause)
Adjurár.a. I. to adjure; swear solemnly; conjure
Adminicular, va. I. to give force by collateral aid
Adminiculo, fm. collateral aid; additional help
Administración, sf. administration; conduct
Administración (en) adv. exprés, in trust
Administrador, -a, sm. administrator; trustee
Administrador de orden, sm. kniuht substitute
Administrar, va 1. to administer;govem; serve
Administrativo, -a, adi- administrative; practical
Adrainistratório, -a, ad}, of an administrator
Admirable, adj. admirable; wonderful; rare
Admirable, im. hymn in praise of the eucharist
Admirablemente, adv. admirably; wonderfully
.'admiración, sf admiration; "'onder; surprise
Admiración (es una) it is worthy of admiration
Admirador, -a, tmf. admirer; wonderer; lover
Admirante, rmf. admirer; who admires, wonders
Admirar, va. 1. t) admire; regard with wonder
Admirarse, vref. to admire one's self; wonder
Admirativamente, adv. in an admirable manner
Admirativo, -a, adj. expressive of admiration
Admisible, adj. admissible; qualified; fit; proper
Admisión, sf. admission; admittance; reception
Admitir, va. 3. to admit; receive; accept; permit
Admitido, (ser bien, ) to be well received
Admonición, */. admonition; counsel; reproof
Admonitor, sm. monitor; admonisher; instructor
Adnata, sf. external white membrane of the eye
Ado, adv. whither? where? to what place?
Adobado, -a, adj. pickled; preserved by salts
Adob-ido, sm. pickled pork, or any other meat
Adobadór, -a, sf. dresser; preparer; curer of meat
Adobar, na. I. to dress up; pickle; cook; condite
Adobe, nil. brick; (m a raw state, not yet baked)
Adobería, sf. brick-kiln; (place to burn bricks in)
Adobo, sin. repairing; pickle sauce; rouge
Adocenádo,-a, a. very common;ordinar5'; vulgar
Adocenar, va. I. to count; sell by dozens; despise
Adoctrinar, va. 1. tu instruct; break m (horses)
Adolecer, vn. 2. to be ill; labour under pain
Adolecer, va. ti produce pain; disease; illness
Adolescencia, sf. adolescence; youth; young age
Adolescente, adj. in a state of adolescence
Adonde, ad. int. whither? where? in what place?
Adonde quiera, to whatever place you please
Adónico, ism. adonic; Latin verse,' consisting of
Adunio, J one dactyle and one spondee
Adopción, sf. adoption; fathering; choice
Adoptador, -a, smf. adopter; who protects a child
Adoptante, a<ij. adopting; embracing; taking
Adoptar, tía. 1. to adopt; father: embrace; graft
Adoptivo, -a, a. adoptive; desirable; assumptive

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