A GUID Cause, The Women's Suffrage Movement in Scotland - Their struggles for change withing society

'A guid cause' ... The women's suffrage movement in Scotland

Activity 1

This activity focuses on the campaign for women's suffrage.

Your teacher will help you to decide whether to choose Option A or Option B.

Option A: Produce a poster to campaign for the right for the vote.

You will need to think about the following points:

  • A catchy slogan / title
  • The arguments you are going to put forward to support the right to vote
  • A relevant picture
  • Layout - where the pictures and words will be positioned, size, bold, capitals, underlining, italics, etc.

Option B: Produce a pamphlet arguing for the right to vote.

You will need to think about the following:

  • Who are you supporting? the suffragists or the suffragettes?
  • The arguments that you are going to include in your pamphlet
  • A headline
  • Structure
  • Layout.