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Williamites, Hanove-
rian s.
Whinging. -whining
Whorles. See Spindles.
Wicht. wight, man.
Wid. -would.
Widderfhines. of a widder-
fhines grow, that grows
backward, the wrong way,
contrary to the courfe of the
Widow, widower.
Wie. hitle. the wie thing
I hae. the little matter I
Wilily. flyly, cunningly.
Wilks. perriwinkles.
Wiltu. wilt thou.
Win. get. Sal never win a-
boon't ava. will never
get the better of it at all.
Winna. will not.
Winfome. comely, agreeable,
Wis. trow, know, believe,
think ; there is no modern
word pcrfecllyfynonimous
or equivalent.
Wifs. wijb.
Wift. known, thought, be-
lieved, wijhed.
Wit. know.
Witherfhins. the wrong or
contrary way.
Wittin known.
Won'd. liv'd, dwell 'd.
Wens, lives, dwells.
Woo', wool.
Wood, furious, mad. Wood-
wroth, furiously wrath-
Wordy, worthy.
Worries, chokes, fuffocates.
Wow. woo.
Wow. O wow ! wow, O
\\o\v\an exclamation; im-
plying fometimes eagemef,
fometimes wonder.
Wraith. ghojl,fpirit.
Wrang. wriggle.
Wratacks. rickety perfons,
perfons unable to walk as
they JJjould do ?
Wreath. my Jemmy's
wreath, bis apparition.
wrea h of fnaw. heap of
Wun. live, dwell.
Wyle. entice.
Wyte. blame.
Yade. mare.
Yates, gates.
Yeed. went.
Ye\. your.
Yeftreen. yefternight.
Yle. ifte. in fair Scotland
the yle. nonfenfe.
Yonker. young man.

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