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Whilk. -which.
potent perfons.
War. war em a', fight or
beat them all.
War. worfe
Warde. warn, advife.
Ware. beftow,fpend.
Wark. work.
W arid. world, time. Warlds.
times. See Bodies.
Wat. wet.
Wat. Wate. trow, know,
Water floups . conicalwooden
veffels, in which water is
fetched or kept.
Wauk. walk.
Wauken. waken.
Wawking of the fauld.
watching of the fold?
tending of the flock or
Wayward, perverfe, head-
fir ong.
Weaponfhaw._/?>fw of arms
or weapons, a fort of mi-
litia review ; nearly as
much care being formerly
taken that the people were
fupplied with arms, as is
taken at prefent that thty
. are deprived of them.
Wear, drive, gather.
Weariful', wearifome, vexa-
Weary, wearifome, difa-
greeable ; aljo, vexed, for-
Vol. II.
Wecht.weighi, an implement
ufed in winnowing* It
refembles ajieve in form,
but the bottom is of f kin or
canvas not perforated.
Wed. to wed. in pawn.
Weddeen. wedding.
Wee. little. Wee bit. little
piece. Wee wee. very
Wecl. well.
Ween, think.
We e rd . fortune, fate.
Weers. i. 278.
Weet. wet, rain.
Weil bodin. well provided,
Weir. war.
Weit. wet.
Weit. with 't, with it.
Well far'd. well favoured,
Wend. go.
Weftlin. weft, weflern.
Wexed. waxed, grew, be~
Wha. who.
Whafe. whofe.
Whang, large Jlice.
What rerk. nevertbelefs.
What recks, what matters,
What an a. what, what
kind of a.
Whigs, enemies to the go-
vernment before, and
friends to it Jh ©s the re-
volution ; Prejbyter,ans,

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