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5 The Britlfh Theatre. Q. Eliz.
till feventeen years of Age, when he fet out on the Tour
of Europe, and at Paris narrowly efcaped the horrid
MaiTacre in 1572, by taking fhelter in the Houfe of
tne Englip Ambaffador.
Queen Elizabeth fo highly prized his Merit and Abi-
lities, that fhe fent him Ambaffador to Viennay and to
feveral other Courts in Germany ; and when the Fame
of his Valour became fo extenfive, that he was put in
Eledlion for the Crown oi Poland^ fherefufed to further
his Advancement, not out of Emulation, but out of*
Fear to lofe the Jewel of her Crown,
The Brevity we are confined to in this Work, will
rot permit us to enlarge on the Tranfadions of his
Life. Wefhall therefore only add, that be was killed
at the Battle of Zutphen in 1586, while he was mount-
ing the third Horfe, having had two killed under him
He wrote one Dramatic Piece, which is printed with
liis Poems at the End of his Arcadia, and called
The Lady of May, a Mafque, prefented to Queen
Eli?uibeth'm the Gardens oi WanJiead'mEJJex.
This Gentleman was a Clergyman of the City of
Norivicb ; he wrote one Dramatic Piece, called
'fhe ConflySle ofCon/cyenee, a Faltoral, 15^81.
This Author, at the Age of Sixteen, tranflated front
Oedipus, a Tragedie, 15 81.
This Gentleman was bred 2ii Oxford % but we can-
not find any thing more of him, than that he joined
with Jafper Hey^ood and others, in a Tranflation of

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