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was a fled with very great
applaufe at Black-Fryars.
Variety. ■ Com. Aded
at Drury-Lane, 1782. This
: play, though it has very
little dramatic merit, yet,
owing to the fprightlinefs
of the dialogue, it was to-
lerably well received.
Venice Preferred ; or^ A
Plot Difcovered. Trag. by
Thomas Otway. A,ded at
the Duke's Theatre, 4to.
1682. This tragedy, which
js Hill a very -favourite one
with the public, is borrowed
from the Abbe de St. Real's
Hijloire dg la Conjuration de
Marquis de Bedcmar. This
tragedy, fays Dr. johnfon,
ilill continues to be one of
the favourites of the public,
notwithstanding the want of
morality in the original de-
Jign, and the defpicable
fcenes of vile comedy with
which Otway has diverged
his tragic adion.
Venus and Adonis ; or,
The Maid's Pkilofophy, 8vo.
1659. This is one among
fix pieces fuppofed to be
written by Robert Cox, the
comedian, and printed in
the fecond part of Spcrt upon
Venus and Adonis j or, The
Triumphs of Love, Mock
Opera, by Martin Powell.
Aded at Punch's Theatre,
in Covent - Garden, 8vo.
I 7 1 3 •
Venus and Adonis, A
* J
Majq. by C. Cibber, 8vo.
1 7 1 5 . This piece was pre-
ferred at the Theatre Royal
in Drury-Lane with no very
great fuccefs.
Vertumnus and Pomona .
Comic Opera. Aded at
Covent - Garden,' 1782.
The fable of this piece is
taken from a flory in Ovid,
under the fame title.
A very good Wife. Com.
by George Powell. Ailed
at the Theatre Royal, 410.
A very Woman ; or, The
Prince of Tarent. Tragi-
Com. by Phil. Maffinger,
8vo. 1655.
The Vejlal Virgin ; or,
The Reman Ladies. Trag.
by Sir Robert Howard, fol.
1665. The fcene of this
play lies in Rome ; and the
author has written two fifth
ads to it, the one of which
ends tragically, and the
other fuccefs fully.
The Veftal Virgin. Tr.
by Henry Brooke, Efq. 8vo.
1778. Not aded.
Vice Reclaimed', or, The
"Faffionate Mifirefs. Com.
by Richard Wilkinibn.
Aded at the Theatre Royal,
Ato. 1703- Though this
play made its appearance at
a very disadvantageous fea-
fon of the year, it met with
very good fuccefs.
The Vi'aim. Trag. by
Charles Johnfon. Aded at
Drury-Lane. izmo. 1714.

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