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[ 32
J. Dryden. A fled at the
Theatre Royal, 4to. 1672.
4_to. 1686. This play is
written in rhyme, yet has
many things in it- extreme-
1 y pleaiing. The plot of it
is founded on hiftory, and
the fcene laid in Maximin's
camp, under the walls of
Aquileia. " This trage-
dy (as Dr. Johnfon obferves)
is cbnfpicuous for many paf-
fages of ilrength and ele-
* ]
T y
gance, and many of empty
noife and ridiculous turbu-
lence. The rants of Maxi-
min have been always the
fport of criticifni ; and were
at length, if Dryden's own
cohfeifion may be trufted,
the fliame of the writer."
The Tyrant King of Crete.
Trag. by Sir Charles Sed-
ley. This play was never
Birth-Day. Tr. by
T. Stewart, 8vo. 1772.
Valentine and Or/on. A
famous Hiftory, played by
her Majefly's players. Not
Valentine* s Day. IVFufi-
cal Drama, by Wm. Heard.
Acled at Drury-Lane, 8vo.
1776. This" was acled only
one night at Mr. ReddiuVs
. Valentinian. Trag. by
Beaumont and Fletcher,
fol. 1647. This play was
acled at fifft with coniider-
able applaufe.
Valentinian. Tragedy.
Acled at the Theatre Royal,
4to. 1685. Thefe altera-
tions were made by the Earl
The Valiant Scot. Play,
by J. W. gent. 4to. 1637.
The Valian IVelchman ;
or, The Chronicle Hiftory of
the Life and valiant Deeds
of Car a doc the Great, King
of Cambria, noiv called
Wales. Tragi-Com. by R.
A. gent. 4to. 1615.
Vanelia ; or, 'The Amours
cf the Great. Opera, 8vo.
1732. Court fcandal.
Vanquijb'd Love ; or, The
Jealous ghieen, by Meilrs.
Daniel Bellany, fen. and
jun. It was never acled, but
is publifhed with the other-
dramatic and poetical works
of this united father and
fon, in 2 vols. Svo. 1746.
Vanelia. T. Svo. 1 736.
This piece was never in-
tended for the ftage ; but
has a reference to the ftory
ofMifs Vane, an unfortu-
nate young lady, who was
faid to have had an amorous,
conneclion with a certain
very great perfonage.
The Variety. Com. by
William Duke of Newcaftle,
i2mo. 1649, This play
P 5 was

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