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s u
The Sultana. F. A&ed
at Drury-Lane, 1755. A
frivolous raree-fhow per-
formance, which but for the
fplendor of its fcenery, aad
the fprio-htlinefs of a female
performer, would nave met
with early condemnation.
The Suliamfs. Trag. by
Cha. johnion, 8vo. 171 7.
This is little more than a
tran ilation of The Bajazet
of Racine ; a piece which of
itielf is eiteeme'4 the very
worft of that author's writ-
Summer Amifement ; or,
An Adventure at Margate.
Com.- Opera, by Meffieurs
Andrews and Miles. Acled
at the Haymarket, 1779.
The Summer s Tale. Mu-
fical Com. of three a£ts, by
Richard Cumberland, Efq.
Aclsd at Covent - Garden,
Svo. 1765. This comedy
met with but a cold recep-
tion, though it was perform-
ed nine nights.
Summer's I aft Will and
Tefta?nent. Com. by Tho-
mas Nam, 410. 3600.
The Sun's Darling. A.
Mafque, by John Ford and
Thomas Dekker. Acted at
"Whitehall, and afterwards
at the Cockpit in Drury-
Lane, 410. 1656. The plan,
of this mafque alludes to the
four feafons of the year,
The Superannuated Gal-
lant. Farce, by J, Reed,
1 z mo » 1746, r
297 I
The Supplicants. Trag,
tranflated from -dEfchylus*
by R. Potter, 4to. 1781.
The S.ippofes. Com. by-
George Gafcoigne, 4tc
1566. This is one of the
earlieft dramatic pieces,
which can properly be cal-
led plays in the Englifli lan-
guage, and was a&ed at
GrayVInn. It is a tranfla-
tion from an Italian come-
dy, by the celebrated Ari-
The Surprifah Comedy*
by Sir Robert Howard, fol,
The Surrender of Calais^
Com. by Mr. Colman, jun.
Ailed at the Hay market,
1 79 1. This play is in the
manner of Shakfpeare's.hif-
tories, of which it is not a
very bad imitation. The
fcenes, as well as the cha-
racters, are contrafted, and
the poetic fancy is unre-
ftrained by the common
rules of the regular drama,
Sufanna. By Tho. Gar-
ter, 4to. 1578. The run-
ning title of this play is*
The Commody of the mo fit
<vertuous and godly e Sufanna^
It is written in metre, print-
ed in the old black, letter*
and not divided ihto-adts*
three great tokens of its be-
ing a very ancient piece.
Sufanna j or, Innocence
Prejer--v'd. Muiical Drama*.
by Elizabeth Toilet, 121x10,.
O 5 Sufpickus

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