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[ 2
5 U
ed at Drury-Lane. This is
only an extract of fome par-
cular fcenes from a comedy
written by John Burant
Hreval, called The Play's
the Plot, publifhedin 17 J 8.
The Students . Com. al-
tered from Shakfpeare's
Love's Labour Lc/i, and
adapted to the ftage, 8vo.
The Sturdy Beggars. A
New Ballad Opera, 8vo.
1733. This piece was writ-
ten on occafion of the Ex-
7 he Succefsful Pirate. A
Play, by Charles Jchnfon.
Acled at Dairy-Bane, 4x0.
1 7 1 3 . This play is taken
from an old one written by
Lodowick Carlell, called
Arviragus and Philicia.
The Succejsfni Siravgers.
Tr-agi-Com, by William
Moa itfert. Acied atDrury-
Lin?. 4-to. 1696. This play
is much fupencf to The In-
jured Lovers of the, fame au-
thor ; yet he is by no means
clear from . the charge of
plagiariim with regard to
his plot.
Such Things Are. A new
Drama, by Mrs. Inchbald.
Acted at , Co vent-Garden,
1707. This was intended
as a compliment to Mr.
Howard, the Philanthropift.
The Suicide. Com. In
four acts, by George Col-
man. Ailed at the Hay-
market, 1778. Not print-
96 3
O u
ed. Although none of the
characters can be fpoken of
as new, yet the bufmeis of
the drama is conducted with
fo much judgement, that we
cannot but elteem.this very
pleafmg comedy as littie in-
ferior to the belt of Mr. Col-
man's productions.
The Sullen Lovers ; or,
Tmpertinents. Com. by T.
ShadwelJ. A died at the
Duke of York's Theatre,
4to. 1668. The author owns
in his preface, that he had
received a hint from the re-
port of Moliere's Les Fa-
chcitx, on which he had
founded the plot of this co-
me ay ; but at the fame time
declares, that he had pur fil-
ed that hint in the forma-
tion of great part of his own
play before the French one
ever came into his hands.
Be this, however, as it may.,
he has certainly made very
good life of whatever afli fi-
ances he borrowed, having
rendered his own piece ex-
tremely regular and enter-
taining. The place of the
fcene in London, the time
fuppofed in the month of
March in the year 1667-S.
The Sultan ; or, Love and
Fame. Trag. by Francis
Gentleman. Acled at the
Haymarket-, 8vo. 1770,
This play was written about
the year 1755, and has been.
frequently acled at Bath,
York, and Scarborough.

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