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[ m
performance, the language
eaiy and fentimental, the
plot fimple and natural, and
the chara&ers well fupport-
The Guardian Outwitted.
Comic Opera, by Dr. Tho.
Augutine Arne. Acted at
Covent-Garden, 8vo. 1764.
U was acted only fix nights,
being a xery contemptible
Gufiwvus Vafa ; or, The
Dtli'verer cf his Country.
Trag. by H. Brooke, 8vo.
1739. This play has great
merit, yet was prohibited
to be played, even after it
had been rehearfed at Drury-
Lane. The author, how-
ever, was not injured by the
prohibition, for on publish-
ing the book by fubfcrip-
tion, Mr. Victor fays he
THE Hal/pay Officers.
Farce, of three a 61s,
by Charles Molloy. Acted
at the Theatre in Lincoln's-
Inn-Fields, i2mo. 1720.
The play is founded oa Sir
W. Davenant's Lo<ve and
Honour, and fome other old
Hamlet, Prince of Den-
mark. Tr. by Shakfpeare,
410. 1604. Dr. johnfon ob-
ferves, that if '* the dramas
of Shakfpeare were to be
characterifed, each by the
particular excellence which
diftinguiihes it from the reft,
we mult allow to the trage-
was certain Mr. B. cleared
above 1000/.
Guy Earl of Warwick.
A Tragical Hiirory, by B.
J. 4to. 1 66 1. The plot of
this piece is founded on hif-
tory, and it has been attri-
buted to Ben jcnfon; but
this is perhaps only a con-
jecture formed from the
letters prefixed to it, the
execution being greatly In-
ferior to the works of that
firfi-rate genius.
Gu%man\ Comedy, by
Roger, Earl of Orrery, fol.
1693. The fcene of this
play lies in Spain, and the
plot is from a romance of
the fame name. It was act-
ed at the Duke of York's
Theatre many years before
the time of his publication.
dy of Hamlet the pralfe of
variety. The incidents are
fo numerous, that the argu-
ment of the play would
make a long tale. The
fcenes are interchangeably
diverfified with merriment
and folemnity ; with merri-
ment that includes judicious
and inftructive obfervations ;
and folemnity, not ilrained
by poetical violence above
the natural fentiments of
man. New characters ap-
pear from time to time in
continual fucceffioh, exhi-
biting various forms of life

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