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no more than three lines
could be adopted from Mon-
fieur Belloy." It met with
very great fuccefs, and was
excellently performed in the
principal characters, by Mr.
and Mrs. Barry.
The Grecian Heroins ; or,
The Fate of 'tyranny. A
Trag. by T. Burfey. This
piece was never a£ted, but
was publiihed with a collec-
tion of poems in 1721.
The title-page fays it was
written iri 1718; but the
preface mentions it as a pro-
duction of many years ear-
lier : the characters of 77-
and B
intended for Mr. Betterton
and Mrs. Barry.
Green's Tu Quoque ; or,
The City Gallant. Com.
by John Cooke, 4to. 1614.
(Jreenvjich Park. Com.
by W. Mountford, 4to.
169 1 . This is a tolerable
comedy, and met with very
good fucce!s. It was acted
at Drury- Lane.
Grim the Collier of Crc\-
dcn ; or, The Devil and his
Dame, with the Devil and
St. Dunjh'.n. Com. by J.
T. i2mo. 1662.
Gretna-Green. A Mufical
After-piece, by Mr. Stuart.
Acled at the Haymarket,
1783, ^and very well re-
Gripus and Hegio ; or,
The PaJJionate Lovers. Paf-
toral, by Robert Baron,
103 3
8vo. 1647. This play con-
fines of no more than three
ads, and is moftly borrow-
ed from Waller's Poems,
and Webiler's Duchefs cf
c l he Grove ; or, Love's
Paradife. An Opera, by
J. Oldmixon, 4to. 1703,
performed at Drury-Lane.
The fcene is a province of
Italy, near the Gulph of
. : .ye.nice.
The Grul-ftreet Opera, by
H. Fielding, 175 1, Svo.
Acted at the Little Thea-
tre i 1 the Hay-market.
The Grumbler. Com. of
three acts, by Sir Charles
Sedley, 12 mo. 1719.
The Grumbler. Farce,
altered from Sedley, by Dr.
Goldfmith. Acted at Co-
vent-Garden, 1772, not
printed. 'I his alteration
was made to {erve Mr.
Quick at h : s benefit, and,
acli-cl only on that night.
The Guardian, domical
Hiftory, by P. Mafiinger,
Svo. 1655.
The Guardian. Com. by
A. Cowley. Acled before
Prince Charles at Trinity
College, Cambridge, 1641.
The Guardian. Com. of
two acts, by David Gar-
rick, Efq. Acted at Drury-
Lane, Svo. 1759. ^ l ' ls
little piece is taken in great
meaiure from the celebrat-
ed Pupille of M. Fagan. It
is a pleafing and elegant'
F 4

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