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of Mollere ; and printed in
Foote's Comic Theatre.
vol. V.
The Gentleman Dancing-
Majier. Com. by W. Wy-
cherley. Acted at the Duke's
Theatre, 4-to. 1673.
The Gentleman Gardiner.
A Ballad Opera, by James
Wilder. Acted at Smock-
Alley, Dublin, i2mo. 1 75 1.
The Gentleman of Venice.
Tragi Com. by James Shir-
ley. Acted at Salifbury-
Court, 4to. 1655.
The Gentleman UJher. C.
by George Chapman, /
i6c6. It is doubtful whether
this play was ever acted.
Of Gentylnefs and Nobi-
Jite, a Dialogue between the
Merchaunt, the Knyght,
and the Plournan, dyfputyng
who is a verey Gentylman
and 1 who is a Nobleman,
and how Men fhould come
to Auctoryte, compilid in
Manner of an Enterlude,
with divers Toys and geftis
addyd thereto to make myri
paflyme and difport. This
piece is written in metre,
and printed in the black
letter, by John Raiiell,
without date.
The Gentle Shepherd. A
Paftoral Com. nmo. 1729.
This truly poetical and paf-
toral piece is written in the
Scots dialed, publifhed by
the celebrated Allan Ram-
fay, the Scots poet, and in-
troduced to the world as his,
98 ]
There are not, however,
v/anting perfons who deny
him the credit of being its
author ; but as envy will
ever purfue merit, and as in
upwards of half a century
no other perfon has, and it
now moll probable never
will lay claim to that ho-
nour, reafon we think will
lead us to grant it to the
only perfon who has been
named for it. Be this fact,
however., as it will, the ex-
cellence of the piece itfelf
mud ever be acknowledged,
and it may, without exagge-
ration, be allowed to Hand
equal, if not fuperior, to
either of thofe two celebra-
ted Paftoral s, the Aminta of
TaiTo, and the Paflor fdo of
Guarini. It has been re-
duced into one aft, and the
Scotch dialed translated,
with the addition of fome
new fongs, by Theophilus
Cibber, and was presented
at Drury-Lane in 173 1.
George a Greene, the Pin-
dar of Wakefield. Comedy.
Anonym. 410. 1599. The
plot of this play is founded
on hiltory, and the fcene
lies at Wakefield, in York-
mire. This comedy is to
be met with in Dodiley's
Colledion of Old Plays.
George Dandin ; or, The
Wanton Wife. Comedy, by
Ozell. A tranflation from
Moliere's George Dandin.

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