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f 97
be the production of fome
difap pointed author, whole
refentment extended beyond
the grave.
Garrick's Vagary ; or,
England run Mad ; with par-
ticulars of the Stratford ju-
bilee, 8vo. 1769.
Gafconado the Great. A
fical Opera, 4to. 1759*
This piece was written by-
James Worfdale, the painter,
and is a burlefque on the
affairs of the French nation
during the war of 1758.
The General Cajhier'd. A
Play, 4to. 17 1 2. This play
was never acted.
The General Lover, Com.
by Theophilus Mofs, 8vo.
1749. This comedy was
not acted, and is perhaps
the worifc compofition in the
dramatic way that was ever
attempted, even without any
view to the ftage.
â– The Generous Choice. C.
by Francis Manning, 45:0.
1703. This piece was acted
at Little Lincoln's - Inn-
The GeneroUs Conqueror %
or, The Timely Difccvery.
Trag. by Bevil Higgons.
Acted at the Theatre-Royal,
4to- 1702.
The Generous Enemies ;
Or, The Ridiculous Lovers.
Com. by J. Corye. Acted
at the Theatre-Royal, 4to.
1622. This play is one en-
tire piece of plagiarism from
beginning to the end ; the
principal defign being bor-
rowed from Quinault's La
Genereufe Ingratitude, that
of the Ridiculous Lovers
from Corneille's Don
Bertram de Ciganal. Ber-
tram's telly humour to his
Servants, in the third act, is
partly borrowed from Ran-
dolph's Mufe's Looking-
Glafs ; and the quarrel be-
tween him and Robatzi, in
the fifth, taken wholly and
verbatim from the Love Pil-
grimage of Beaumont and
The Generous Free Ma/on ;
or. The Conjlant Lady'.
With the Humours of Squire
Noodle and his Man Doo-
dle. A Tragi-comi-farcicai
Ballad Opera, of three ads,
by Wm. Rulus Chetwood,
8vo. 1 73 1.
The Generous Hi'Jband';
Or, CoJee-Hou/e Politician,
Com. by Charles Johnfon,
410. No date (1713).
The Generous Impofior. C.
by Mr. O'Burne. Acted at
Drury-Lane, 8vo. 178 1.
. The Genii. Pantomime
Entertainment, by H.Wood-
ward. Acted at Drury-
Lane, 1753.
The Genius of Nonfenfe^
Pantomime, Haymarket,
The Gentleman Clt. C.
tranflated from the French
•JF of

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