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have maid better service. I regard lytill the slachter of the horss the
dispyt is abhominable. My servandis that aucht the horss culd nocht be
struchit fra passinge to the Fawnis2 to have tane efter the said Duncanis
horss and geir for recompence of thair awin. Bot I wald nocht suffir thaim
quhill your Lordship war first adverteisit. I can nocht suffir my onffeindis
to have thair geir sa peccable and myin daylie destroyit and slain. Prayinge
your Lordship aperdoun me and my serwandis to tak of thair geir quhill
we ma get it. For I am suirlie persuadit that Duncan Glen hes his awin
geir in the Fawnis and takis upoun deweties and furnesit be the tennentis
thairof daylie. Attouris your Lordship rememberis of sum namis I gaif in
tikat3 to your Lordship quhat war participand of the skayths I have gottin
thir yeres bygane. And hes hed thair residence this haill yeir bygane with
geir wyifis and bairnis within your Lordshipis boundis. Notwithstandinge
seing I gaif your Lordship thair namis thai have gottin adverteisment and
hes removit thair selfis out of the boundis thai war in. My Lord it hed
bein better to me to have haldin my tounge and that thai hed remanit still
as thai war nor to have thaim now with the rest of my enimeis usand fyir
and sueird agane me and thair wyfis and geir remanand as yit within your
Lordshipis boundis. Prayand your Lordship to put remeid thairto as your
Lordship thinkis gud. I derectit your Lordshipis writinge to Blair and hes
gottin na ansuer thairof as yit and quhowsoun I get ansuer your Lordship
salbe advertesit with deligence.4
Atour your Lordship sail wit that Malcom Gar MacKinacard hes ane
concupein in Glenfyin and sum geir of his awin quha was first and last at
my skayth. I beseik your Lordship for your awin honour to expell thair
wyifis and bairnis out of your Lordshipis boundis and caus tak up thair
geir to your Lordshipis awin behaif. For uther wyss thai wilbe evir resettand
my geir and furnesand my enemeis quhilk wilbe ane gret sklandir to your
Lordship. Thairis na newis cum to me as yit. Prayinge your Lordship gif
your Lordship hes gottin ony to mak me participand sa far as your Lordship
Ellipsis represents damage to MS.
Strike or fight meaning that Glenorchy’s servants could not be prevented from trying
to retaliate by raiding Duncan Glen, probably at the ford across the River Awe at
There are a number of lists of names in the Breadalbane collection but it is not
known which one is meant here.
The following section has been crossed through: ‘Atour your Lordship rememberis
that I gaif ane tikat to your Lordship to reid contenand the namis of thaim that reset
Ewin MacGregor bayth in your Lordshipis boundis and myin sen my couminge in
this cuntre and I rememberit nocht to tak it againe fra your Lordship. I wat your
Lordship hes gevin it to sum servand in kepinge or thain your Lordshipis brother the
Maister hes it quha was redand it with your Lordship. Thairfor prayis your Lordship
caus get it and send it to me with this berar.’And the marginal note with no indication
of where it should be inserted: ‘This tikat was found in the bed quhair your Lordship

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