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Abircrummy1 spak thame quhay said thai suld do that weil and that the
Clangregor wer nocht in thair boundis sen thai did yow the last skayth
and suld nocht be in tyme cumyng gif thai mycht. I beleiff my Lord of
Lennox beis chosen regent. He ves offendit that my Lord of Atholl kepit
nocht tryist and said gif my Lord of Atholl wald do his dwetye he suld
schoyne put ordor to the Clangregor. Ye hef hard the newis of France. It
is allegit that thairis xx thowsand men slayne and the Admiral and kyingis
brother2 bayth deid and mony of the principaHs on bayth the sydis. Alwayis
quhw ...3 giffbe I trow thai hef met lat and with gret curage. I hef hard
nay forther to adverteiss yow of presentlye bot as ye knaw your slef [sic].
This efter my hardiest commendatiouns. Committis yow to the protectioun
of God. From ... this Sonday, the xvi ofjuly 1570. Be.
[PS] I vait quhow thair writyng gettis passage lat thaim tak thair
118 Glenorchy to ArgyU GD112/39/8/13
23 July 1570, Kilchurn Casde (Loch Awe)
To my speciall Lord my Lord Earl of Argyill
My Lord efter maist hartlie commendatioun of service. Your Lordship
knowis that becaus the water was over the Quoche my riddin horss was
put to Croquhan4 as your Lordship self sawe. And this last Fryday51 beand
at my dennar Duncan Glen and Alexander Pudroch6 to the nummer of
xxiiii men draif the horss out of the coreis towardis Glensthray.7 And
quhen the cry raiss efter thaim my servandis eschit out of this place in
following thaim quhilk quhen thai persavit thai slew the haill horss to the
numer of xi gret horss and thairefter entirit thaim selfis in the woddis of
Glensthray sua that my servandis culd nocht apprehend thaim. Thai war
that neycht in the bra of Glenurquhay8 and spuilyeit housses and tuk the
spuilye on the morn with thaim to Glenfallocht9 quhilk your Lordship
knawis is thair daylie refuge. Prayinge your Lordship caus Ewir Campbell10
put sum remeid thairto.Your Lordship lippennit that Duncan Glen wald
George Buchanan of that Ilk* and MacFarlane in discussion with Master Andrew
Abercrombie of that Ilk.
Admiral Coligny and Henry, duke of Anjou, neither of whom were killed.
Ellipses represent damage to MS.
Ben Cruachan.
21 July
Two brothers of Gregor MacGregor of Glenstrae* who were also involved in the
raid against Gregor MacAne: MacGregor/MacGregors’, 378-9.
Glen Strae.
The Brae of Glen Orchy, towards Glen Strae.
Glen Falloch.
Ewir Campbell of Strachur who held lands in Glen Falloch.

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