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amangis yow1 that he culd do nay less for your awyn weill nor to desyre
yow to hef nay thyng ado wyth my Lord ofArdgylle nor my Lord Ruthwen
towart this mater that is chansit presently.2 Ant [sic] to get your wtter
mynd heirintil and to be at hym thairwyth in Dunkeld this Thurisday at
ewyn but fail and to gif yow and schaw yow his cunsal thairintil.Thir ar
the contends of his writ hot he hes nocht hard at the makyng of this
writyng of the Quenis way passyng to Dunbar and nonetheless I beleiff
wes myndit to pass forwarttis ...3 he mycht be ony folkis.And now ye may
onderstand ... ye wilbe myndit fordwarttis towarttis the Quene ... hym
now Catnes Swthirland the Cumtrollis4 ... v... beleiff thair sail mony may
meit thair in Dunkeld this ... is abil to cum to ane gret extremite veray
schortly. Heirfor haiffand your wysdom I thynk best ye mak me ane guid
substantis ... afoir declaring your guid mynd and service ever towarttis ...
ony body and that trewly ye wer ever his Lordshipis guid ... persewet and
that ye thankit hym of his guid ... suld wyss your slef [sic] to the Quenis
Majestic contentatioun ... ye ken I culd nocht hef bene at yow this ...
mynd and at hym agang at ewyin in Dunkeld ... this writing desyrand
your ansur of the contenis... my Lordshipis part thairof incontenent wyth
this berar I causit yow s to yow out ofWeme quhowschone I hard of
the Quene ... to Dunbar.Ye hef feindit hard tua say schort th ... men the
doaris thairof be your awyn this Thuresday.5
83 Glenorchy to William Stewart of Grandtully (draft)
GDI 12/39/6/6
14 March 1566, Balloch Casde
[No address]
Rycht honorable Sir efter maist hardie commendatioun. I haif resavit
your writin6 and as to the fyrst heyd contenit in it I can nocht gif ansere
thairof in writ for syndre resonable casses bot quhowsone ye may cum
and spek with me ye sail haif ansere thairof will God to my Lord of
Atholis contentment. Bot as towart the Quene Maieste I wes ever ane
trew faychtfull subiect to Hir Maieste and sail contenew in the same with
For the blood ties between Grey Colin and Atholl, see Appendix C.
This was probably a reference to the murder of Baccio on 9 Mar., in which Ruthven*
was deeply involved and Argyll was present.
Ellipses represent damage to MS.
George Sinclair, 4th earl of Caithness, John Gordon, 10th earl of Sutherland and
Tullibardine*, the comptroller.
As he did here, Grandtully* sometimes signed his letters to Grey Colin with his
initials ‘W S’.
Grandtully’s letter of 14 Mar. 1566 (82).

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