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send to hym to cans desyr the men quhilkis ye hef in handis and he sayis
he man request. Bot Sir for your awyn weil quhiddyr my Lord request
slycht or utherwayis I wald thynk best sawand your wysdome that ye
rather gef thaim meit or than releffit thame on guid cautioun quhill ye
saw greter trubil pacefeit. And gif it wald pleiss yow ye mycht be at quyatnes
as ane agit herit man quhill thair kna ... ane end I wald extein1 yow
happy. As for nowellis the ... Quene ar mirry and weill in hail in Dunbar2
wyth thaim Bothw... the rest of thai quharteris drawand fast to tham and
the Dwk... is at thair uyther diligens as my Lord of Huntly writtis.The
Quen he... the nobilite of Scotland mackand ane hewy odin tywer
declarand hir natyfaiess3 and desyrane ... to hir wyth thair forss to Dunbar
quharffa scho dar nocht cum without ...Thairis xii scoir of special writingis
fynd on this syid Forth ... besydis werray strait proclamatiounis ... be in
Perth this nyxt Fryday with xx dayis lo flad and guid to meit the
Lwtennend4 and pas with hym ...Argylle for caus sal nocht stir haistly his
brotheris... as... hym. I beleiff my Lord of Mar5 and the Secretar salbe ...
that this tak nocht sum dres it is abil to be ... daly to the Quene ressarabily
and I trow the con ... uyther librtye of consience.Adverteiss me in writing
... my Lord ofWeme his man that ye hef in handis6 ... quhat ye desyre ...
may hef hym relewit. I hef comissioun to gif... in Garth7 gif ye vilbe guid
for hym and desyre hym I pray yow ... this writyng quhen ye hef red it
adverteiss sic as ye hef hard ... gif ye pass not to Dunkeld your slef [sic].
82 Same to same GDI 12/39/12/6
Thursday [14 March 1566]8
To the rycht honorabill Lard off Glenwrquhay
Rycht honorabill Sir eftyr hardiest commendatioun. Ye sal wit I hef
resavit ane writing fra my Lord of Atholl this Wednesday lait at ewyn9
desyrand me becaus he wes to be in Dunkeld and nocht abil to speik yow
haisdye hym slef [sic] that I suld pass unto yow schawand that sen ye wer
becumin in kyndnes and familiarite wyth his Lordship besydis the bluyd
After Rizzio’s murder on 9 Mar. 1566, the king and queen went to Dunbar from 12-
18 March. Queen Mary was pregnant so the state of her health was especially noted.
Expected time of birth.
Atholl* was authorised to gather troops to go against Argyll, but he assured Grey
Colin that he was excused because of his illness (84).
John Erskine, earl of Mar.
It is not clear which of Menzies ofWeem’s servants Grey Colin had in custody, but
Weem wanted him freed.
Garth Casde, a few miles north of Balloch.
See Grey Colin’s reply of the same day (83).
Wednesday, 13 Mar., Atholl s* letter to Grey Colin of the same day (80).

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