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DIARY, 1637-1639
raynd that he resolved to justifie al the former proceidings of
his saints our forfaythers, quho opposed and resisted al thes cor¬
ruptions quhilk non we ar endevouring to roote; and quhairas
thair action of protesting (in face of Assembly and Parliament)
in naime of the reformed churche of Scotland was reproved
by many as both usles to us, and hurtful rayther by irritating
authoritie; non the Lord schaues the laufulnes and expediencie
of that, quhilk as it held lyfe in the cause and keeped the
Lord as it wer in a legal posession of his right and priviledges
quhairof he was violently I’obbed by mens tyrannic, so nou it
is justified by the most pairt of this whol churche and king- Approbation of
domes adhaering to thos Protestations, Greivances, and Sup- sorsproceidings
plications maid of old to Assemblies, Pari:, Counsels, against inGod scause‘
thes corruptions. And, quhairas thos worthy servants of God
wer confyned and condemned as traitors for holding Aiberdeins
Assembly and declyning the Counsail, the Lord wil haive us to
justifie that passage also as we haive doone by our printed
Reasons for ane Assemblee, our Resolutions and Declarations,
in word and deed, to hold it without the kings indiction; and
nou by chusing commissioners to it afor hand; by our auin
declyning of the Counsail, and declairing in our schort relation
that the Assembly sould only haive judged of thair proceid¬
ings, and can only judge of ours. Lykas I remembred that the
Lord by Balmerinos proces was maiking way for this busines,
albeit contrair to the then aparant reason ; and, by my parerga
and distractions fra my calling to Parquer, Amesius, Cartwright
and siklyk for ane yeir or tuo was therby praepairing me (by
my knouledge and exspectation) for this present imployment.
Oh, the deipnes of the wysdome of the wayes of the Lord!
Al the nixt week I was reading Altare Damascenum de
Episcopo 1 and Parquers 3 book de Politeia.
Upon Fray day, after distractions with my Lady Cranston 7 Septemb.
and my L. Balmerino, I sate up the most pairt of the night
maiking Annas compts, quherby I fand myselth adebted to Annas compts
hir above ane thousand pounds quhairof I did not befor ^ru^5n°n
dreame, quhilk reneued my feares of my estaits undermynd-
ing, running to dogdraive and dyverie, and with the thoughts
1 Altare Damascenum, seu politia Ecclesice Anglicance obtrusa Ecclesice Scoli-
cance, 1623, by David Calderwood.

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